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M/S/P Siedow/DeLapp - to approve the March 1, 2004 City Council minutes, as <br />amended. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br />3. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: Gloria Knoblauch asked if the City had an ordinance against tearing down historic <br />buildings. She had heard rumors that a person bought the building that housed the Lake <br />Elmo Library on Lake Elmo Avenue and was going to tear it down. <br /> <br />The Council responded there is no City ordinance preventing houses being torn down in the Old Village. They gave credit to Mr. Bush who worked with the Old Village <br />Commission remodeling a building to make it a store front on Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />4. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Clean Up Day Lease Agreement <br /> Clean-Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 22, 2004, 8 a.m. until Noon, at the Washington County Fairgrounds. Staff is requesting approval of the lease agreement <br />with the Washington County Ag Society for Clean-Up Day in the amount of $150.00 <br />($50 down payment/damage deposit and $100 rental). <br /> M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp - to authorize the Mayor to sign the Lease Agreement with Washington County Ag Society for use of the Washington County Fairgrounds for Clean <br />Up Day and Approve the rental fee of $100 with 50 deposit. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br />5. FINANCE: A. Johnson Construction Claim <br />On March 2, 2004 the Council removed this claim for storage from the claims list, and <br />tabled consideration pending a report from staff as to the zoning status of the property. <br />The Council received a copy of Resolution 99-84, adopted by the Council on November <br />16, 1999 that finds the Johnson storage building (both pre-existing and new) to be a legal non-conforming use. The Council approved both setback variances and a site plan for the <br />building at a slightly revised location from that of the old. <br /> <br />M/S/P Johnston/Dunn - to approve the Johnson Construction claim for City storage <br />rental. (Motion passed 3-2:Johnston , DeLapp) <br />B. Street Lighting – Fields of St.Croix <br />The City received an invoice from Xcel Energy for electric service for the street lights in <br />the Fields of St.Croix neighborhoods. This is a new occurrence since Bob Engstrom or <br />the HOA have paid the electricity charges until now. In the past the City Council has declined the request for payment of electricity to Xcel for streets lights because the Fields of St.Croix were not part of the original plans for the neighborhood. The developer had <br />choose to install the lights as an amenity, and the City was not responsible for their costs. <br /> <br />The Acting Administrator recommended the Council authorize payment of this claim; and, to direct staff to prepare and submit for Council consideration a City street lighting utility to replace the General Fund payment of the monthly street lighting bills with direct