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06-01-2004 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-01-2004 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 1, 2004 5 <br />those positions are well suited to be officially designated as the leadership for those areas. <br />The following recommendations were made: 1) Promote Acting Superintendent Mike <br />Bouthilet to Superintendent of Public Works and hire an additional maintenance worker <br />assuring the City’s capability to provide the defined service responsibilities, 2) Promote Acting Finance Director Tom Bouthilet to Finance Director/City Treasurer; 3) Promote Sharon Lumby from Deputy Clerk to City Clerk; and 4) Move the Planner’s position as <br />Planner/Assistant City Administrator with specific organizational reporting changes that <br />includes building inspections and engineering. He noted that the proposed organizational <br />chart is within the budget. He added that he has talked to the employees regarding health care issues, and the employees will be paying a share. He will continue to look at alternatives in the future. <br /> <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp – to approve Resolution No. 2004-047, A Resolution Adopting the <br />Administrative Organizational Structure of the City, as presented. (Motion passed 5-0). B. Council Committee Reorganization:Ordinance No. 97-131 <br /> <br />The Administrator provided an organizational chart for the creation of three specific <br />Council Committees. The purpose of the creation of the committees is to develop ongoing scheduled council work sessions; in specific subject areas, where each of the established ad hoc committees created by Council may report progress on mission and <br />tasks and make recommendations that can be reviewed by the established council <br />committee. The Planning Commission would continue to report their recommendations <br />and findings directly to the Council as a whole. Each committee would be composed of two Council members, the Mayor and the City <br />Administrator or staff designee. The Administrator suggested that the Mayor would <br />annually appoint two Council members to each committee and designate one as the Chair <br />of the committee. Meetings would be scheduled, at a minimum of, monthly on the preceding week of the last Council meeting scheduled in a month. <br />The Council determined that the selection and makeup of Council Committee members <br />be approved by the full City Council. The Council will indicate their interest in a <br />primary and secondary committee they would like to serve on. M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston - to approve Ordinance No. 97-131, as amended (4th Whereas: <br />No 1. That the selection and makeup of Council Committee members will be approved <br />by the full City Council. The Council will indicate their interest in a specific committee <br />by submittal of their name to the City Administrator.) (Motion passed 5-0). C. Strategic Planning Meeting <br /> <br />The Council will hold a Strategic Planning Meeting with the Department Heads on <br />Saturday, June 12, 8:30 until Noon at the Wildwood Lodge.
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