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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 15, 2004 5 <br /> <br />DeLapp/John - to remove off the table for discussion. Moiton passed 5-0. <br />At the June 1st meeting, the Council tabled this application for a side and front setback <br />variances to accommodate construction of a 2-car garage with direction to staff to advise the Council regarding secondary septic drain field locations on the site. The Planner explained the issue appears to be whether construction of the garage in the location <br />proposed would “use up” a potential site for replacement drain field should the stem <br />installed in 1997 fall in the future. This was an issue with an earlier variance denial. <br /> The Building Official advised that the proposed site of the new garage has been historically used as the driveway access/vehicle parking area for this and the previous <br />residence on this lot. Planner indicated that it is highly improbable that the proposed <br />garage location could qualify as a future drain field site due to the compacted soils that <br />have resulted from years of vehicle use. The Building Official advised that the 1997 drain field extends across that portion of the <br />front yard that was not used as driveway; and, that no secondary drain field site has been <br />previously identified on the site. Approximately 165 feet of lot depth remains between <br />the house and the Olson Lake OHW. That area could be a probable candidate for a secondary drain field while still maintaining a 75 foot setback to the Olson Lake OHW. The 50th Street North surface is nearly 100 feet from the front of the house. There <br />remains additional room for drain field replacement adjacent to the existing 197 drain <br />field. <br /> Johnston we had denial of drain field site. <br />If we deny this we are placing strict regulations <br />DeLapp evaluate every new project as rules apply. There are 50’ that could be vacated <br />and added to the property. <br />John if this alternate site fails, will there be a constructed wetland area. Dillerud said that is an option and there are other systems that require less area. <br />Hunt it has clearly shown that there are other drain field location, not deprived a site <br />of….. <br />M/S/P Johnston/DeLapp - to adopt Resolution No. 2004-046, A Resolution Approving a <br />Variance for William Isaacson, located at 8017 50th Street N., to construct an attached two stall garage. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br /> <br /> B. Public Hearing: Vacation of Unimproved Portion of Highlands Trail North: <br />Resolution No. 2004-049: PUBLIC HEARING: opened the ph at 7:47 p.m <br />There was no one to speak against the vacation. <br />Closed at 7:48. <br /> <br />Dunn asked if this is large enough. Dillerud said he did at first think of 10 feet for a trail system. <br />