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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 2 <br />Mayor Hunt called the Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. <br />PRESENT: John, Dunn, Hunt, Johnston, DeLapp, City Engineer Prew, City Attorney <br />Filla, Finance Director Tom Bouthilet, City Planner Dillerud, and City Administrator <br />Rafferty. 1. AGENDA ADD:8A. Storm Drain on Hill Trail, 11A. Authority to proceed with alternatives for <br />public facilities, DELETE: 4B. Finance Specialist <br /> M/S/P John/Johnston – to approve the July 6, 2004 City Council agenda, as amended. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br />2. MINUTES: June 15, 2004 (Postpone until July 20, 2004) <br /> 3. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: A. PUBLIC INQUIRIES <br />Tom McCormick, 12276 Marquess Way N., (Carriage Station), asked for consideration <br />for a fence permit exception from the fence moratorium for himself and two neighbors. He borders 55th Street and looks across a commercial area. <br /> <br />M/S/P Dunn/John - to accept and pass on the request from Tom McCormick for an <br />exception from the fence moratorium for a fence permit to the Legislative Council <br />Committee meeting on July 14th for a possible recommendation. (Motion passed 5-0). Rod Reimanns stated he and Mr. Sobczaks have issues concerning the drainage easement <br />on the back of the lot and have a less intrusive remedy than is being proposed. He said <br />Tom Prew had recommended a retaining wall and there are five residents in favor of this <br />resolution and one against. Administrator Rafferty said this request would go to the Public Works Council Committee on Tuesday, 7 p.m. Council member DeLapp brought up his concern with loosing the Tamarack swamp. <br /> <br />Margaret Carlson, Environmental Commission Chair., was in attendance for Single Sort <br />Recycling. She said the ordinance amending the Solid Waste ordinance permitting bi-weekly single sort recycling pickup was made without input from the Environmental Commission. She said a 14-month study showed single sort recycling had less <br />participation than the two-stream. At the Council Committee meeting it was <br />recommended to rescind the motion subject to the review by the city attorney. A joint <br />workshop of the Council and Environmental Commission will be scheduled for July 21 to tour the single sort operation of Waste Management and waste haulers/ recyclers will be invited to participate in the discussion after the tour. <br /> <br /> <br />