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01-13-58 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-13-58 CCM
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Minutes of <br />The monthly meeting of the Village of Lake Elmo, I-Iel:f Jan. lwth, <br />1958. All Present. Minutes of meeting Yield Dec. 9, 1957 were read and <br />approved as read. Upon i'rioticn made and seconded Trustee Dornfeld was <br />arjoointed Vice Chairman of the Council. Motion carried <br />Meeting the adjcurned. <br />Aerb. IV.Ry,-,, Mayor <br />E.A.Eeutel clerk - <br />Vice charma n. Dornfeld called the meeting to order, all present. <br />x5 xoa %xa� xr�f:fx�s Cler<c Eeutel then administered the Cath of <br />office to the newly elected Mayor Louis Urtel and Trustee Dornl eld. <br />Mayor elect/X Urtel then presided. <br />. k���nn�fc�eex�ep�rx��a <br />Upon mottion made and seconded Trustee Roy Dornfeld was ap- <br />pointed Vice-chairman of the Council for 1y58, Moticn carried. <br />Comr; tt e reports: <br />Street Committee; no report. <br />Parks and Plays,rounds: Trustee Dornfeld, reported that <br />a few complaints had been made in connection with the time allotted to <br />the hoctcey players. It was sub„ested that they take their complaints to <br />Kenneth Johnson and Vincent Andersen, the citizens committee for the ska- <br />ting rin:c, for a satisfactory solution. Also reported that Randy Carlson <br />and Joe Miller who were to string the wires were not there on the appointed <br />day to put up the wires. <br />Law Enforcement: Trustee Krongard had no rdport. <br />The following committees were then apoointed: <br />Streets: Trustees Ebne and Ray KronLard. <br />Recreation: Hay Krontard, Ebne and Dorm eld. <br />Public. Sa ety : Roy Dcrnf eld, Krongar•d and Une . <br />Health Board: Dr. R. J. Josewsky, Beutel and Yrtel. <br />Purchase committee: Urtel and Eeutel. <br />Fire Chief' Henning appeared at the meeting and discussed various <br />F'iere Dept., problems. <br />It was decided to #1 call a meeting with the Town Board of East <br />Oakdale Township on Wednes Eve.;. Jan. 22, 1958 at 8 P.Ni.., to discuss <br />the Fire Dept., problems jointly. <br />Trustee Lloyd Ebne was appointed need Inspector.. <br />a <br />Motion was then made and secorLded that the council approve the <br />committees appointed by Mayor Urtel. <br />Motion =vas then made and seconded that the re:;ular monthly <br />meetings of the Village Council be held on the lst Tuesc+.ay of Each <br />month. Moticn carried. <br />PTotion was then made and secondPn that the State Bank of Lake <br />Elmo, Lace Elm-, Minn., be named depository for the funds of the Village. <br />Motion carried. <br />Motion was then made and seconded that the Stillwater Weekly <br />G;gzette be named the o,-ficial newspaper for the Village. Moticn Carried. <br />The firm of Thoreen, 'jhoreen and Lawson :ere appointed Village Attorneys. <br />Motion was then made and seconded that the Banister Engineering <br />company be appointed as Village Engineers. Motion carried. <br />Motion was made and seconded that day labor be paid at the rate <br />of §1.25 per hour. Motion carried. <br />��rr1ot. on ads then mad and sec Q need that, the Serv.icc contract <br />with the Stillwater Fire ept., to cancelle N�o ion Carr-e 1. <br />
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