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Minutes of Special meeting meld Jan. 22nd, 1958. All present. <br />Met with East Oakdale Town Board Jointly ana Fire Chief Henning <br />to discuss promblems of tI)e Fire :Dept. <br />Chie.6 yenning reported that 5 telepnones had. been installed <br />as fellows: 1 in the lire hall, 1 at Rc-bert duier; 1 at Ben Friedrich, <br />1 at Alb. penning and 1 in uuestermans Store, for in fire calls, and <br />that this service would cost us aprroximateiy $3�i.00 to 440.UO per mo. <br />Chief Henning tr-.en submitted a list of supplies needed. <br />Motion was then made and seconded that the Fire Department be authorized <br />to purchase / 250 feet of l: inch hose. Motion carried. <br />Cler'_, :instructed to get rate on fire insurance i or the fire hall <br />and equipment as follows: Fire hall 015,000.00, Equipment $5000.00 <br />and that the building be then insured. <br />A Suggestion was made that a committee be appointed tc represent <br />the Towns:ip and the Village and Fire Department to manage the fire hall <br />property. Motion was then made and seconded that a committee of 3 <br />be appointed, one by the Village, one by the Township and 1 by the Fire <br />Department. Carried. The following were appointed bn this committee: <br />Walter Larson, for the Towns ip, Herb. N. Rygg for the Village and Hugh <br />Mattson for the Fire Dept. <br />Geo. Siegfried. X� filed a final bill for $823.04 for the <br />construction of, the )mire hall. Motion made and seconded that the bill <br />be allowed and same was oraered paid. <br />Clerk read a letter from the Attorney General that he had <br />intervened for the state at the Railroad meeting relative to closing <br />depot. <br />Letter was read from the Hockey Team, and ordered filed. <br />Robert Dennis represented the Hoci_ey Club, suggested that the <br />Hockey Club should be represented next year on the skating rink com- <br />mittee. <br />Meeting; adjourned. <br />