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Minutes of Village Council meeting held Feb. 4, 1958. All Present. <br />Minutes of regular meeting held Jan. 13, 1958 were read and approved as <br />read. Minutes of special meeting Jan. 22nd, 1958 were read and approved <br />as read. <br />Committee reports. <br />Recreation: Trustee Krongard reportea that the warming house <br />was in a dirty condition, cold, and that the rink had not been cleaned. <br />Norm Oendt was to clean XXIljl rink and that it should be flooded. <br />Law Enforcement: Trustee Dornfeld, now report. <br />Streets: Trustee Ebne, reported that the streets had been sanded once, <br />and that he had no further report. <br />Health Committee: No report. <br />The following bills were presented: <br />Gilbert Gordon, Sanding sts., $18.30 <br />Lake Elmo Oil Co., Oil for park 9.48 <br />St. Paul Bottle Gas Co., Propane gas, 46.05 <br />Nor. States Power Co., Jan. St. Light 64.17 <br />do do do do Park lite 11.96 76.13 <br />Fred W.Streiff, Wiring Fire Hall, village <br />share #330.70�/ <br />Motion was that made and seconded that the above bills <br />be allowed and same were ordered paid. <br />Mayor Urtel reported that Earl Goerss, Propr., of Lake Elmo Oil <br />Co. , had ini ormed him triat Northw. Bell '.i.'el. , Co. , were going to ,place <br />a Tel. Booth on his Oil Station, and that he would like permission trom the <br />Village Council to have the booth placed on his property. Permission <br />granted. <br />There being; no further business to come before the meeting <br />same was adjourned. <br />