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!I/Tinute.s of 3pecial -rile,tine; held 1k.'!arch 25,, -1 pre��ent, <br />!:D - I 1� 5 8 pit 8 10 . al <br />Meet Ong called by Urtel, t(,- discuss a proposed Ordinance <br />e s t a b JL i s in-- a 1) 1 -1 i i n cote a n r 1 creating L e o I i c I Eu i i i n <br />E <br />Inspector. <br />A prop, e. c 3 orJ. n; 2, n c e %, - - 1 a s then -. r e a d. a r i c o n s i d e ,, e c 3 . i i f t e. r <br />due. censideriLlon Ti-Astee Dcrnfeld offered Ordinance. I\i(;. 21, <br />entitled "An Orr-',ce Establishing a Go-!�-e and Creating the <br />Office �f Blilrjing inspeol.ors "ant' moved its a do pticn. Trustee <br />Kxonl-,-arcl seconded the motion for t-he adoption of -,a_'. ('-,' Ordtinance and <br />upon the moticn bc-,.-J-n,.-:. put all membeIrs, the Council voted in fiver <br />t e, o f . The Iv,'ayor thereupon declare']or(firance Ancpteu".. <br />On !,.,,oti,.,n dl,.-ly made, seconded and cat--ried, Ordlin.mce Ao. 21 <br />was ordered t- I,-- pub -I j ,_ ed --n ti'--e off-I-c-, al nrv.jso,-;.per; the Village <br />GlcrX wa.s directed tc rcord t,,--e, .-a-me in i.!-,e Or6I-nanc,-, Ecok, -,ji;ithin <br />tiventy (20) Bays after oublicaticn <br />11fiotion was til-len made ')'-,y Trust,::,e Dornfc ld and seccnded 'Ly <br />Tru-tce Ebne to appoint Ertclf Scheel as building inspector. Notion <br />carried. <br />