lVeet'l-rig of Vi.iiae Councii meetiri,_--, held IV'Iarc}, 4, 19)B, A13. pre.,.,ent.
<br />Atinutes of meeting Feb. 4, 1958 ,ere read and a():-)roile-a as react.
<br />An appl ' 1cation fora buildir_-�g uermit i-j1a3 pre-sented. Rev. J. Kocr.,
<br />,,N for a ne�nome in t-1,e Nlinna Meier accitiori, vvith fee of .; 4.25. After
<br />cons ide rati(;n motion was, made. ai -6 :-ecCnded .Iiat is a.pplicat i-on be ap-
<br />prover luildln6 ,permit -,rantc,:_- to Rev.
<br />1provec. an( _1 Joi:n Kocn
<br />Ernst Koch appeare(i before t1vie council about the par,; -ling of cars
<br />in the alle.y at Neilsen6 Plant. Su:�:,,ested no par.,.ing sins be placed
<br />t Y-
<br />jere
<br />'-jvilliam IV.arty a,-_)pe.Ured bef'o-e the council and stated that rie
<br />wished to ceilect. rubbish - and Igarbage from homes in tr-.e village, t`[,at
<br />he a�ad a place for the gar1"a.';e, and Cans ari(I ruitish would be hauled to
<br />the vi1la-,:---r,e dump, and that lie -,io ild charJe 41.75 per month for garbage
<br />and rubbish, and �$1.50 per montn, for tubbish only9 providing 1--,e could get
<br />enough fam.!-lys interested. Motlan wa3 made and sect-ndecl that perm,1ss,-Lon
<br />be _iven to
<br />'JVilliam Tvlarty to collect Barba and rubtish from the families
<br />in the viila--ye.
<br />'D
<br />Fran Pott who is occupyJn,,),, a trailer home in the village, was
<br />invited to the m-eting to d1scuss tiiis matter, as the permission given
<br />hi-m to have this trailer 1-ouse in the Vi-Lla�D:,,,c-, expired Dec. 31, 1955..
<br />After a disc,.If->sion, notion viiias made and seconded to again give him per-
<br />C)
<br />nission to occtlpy this trailer !souse fr(-nl 10arch 1, 1958 to Miarch 1,1959.
<br />Moticn carriet-'o
<br />John Schuttman appeared before the council, stating that ile v,,ished
<br />to sell a fevw lots south of Iis home 115A100 fLetg
<br />Kenneth io�_nson, Herb. Hy&-.1 Art
<br />Johnson, Ronald Peterson, Norman ;,-Oendt, Robert Dennis ano - �aiiiard Borman
<br />appeared relative to this matter. A diSCLUSSiOn WEIS I -lad, it being
<br />the opinion of the dele:paticn MrNxammt present, tnat thsre were drainage
<br />problems involved in this project, and also the location of the proposed
<br />homes presented problems to property owners. After a discussion it was
<br />decided tni.t -,:,:ie members of - he co-ancil meet at the Schuttroan proper-
<br />ty on Sat. Mornjng at 10 AM, to look the situation over.
<br />Fire Chief HEnning appeared fcr the fire dept., and presented
<br />bills. It was deei.--jed to hold the tel. bill up, until the rate question
<br /> cleared up.
<br />Coi-.nmit'lee Reports:
<br />Recreat- ion: Trustee Krongard reported ti,-e viarming house clo: e,-t Hlealtn: note reporto
<br />F:)blic Sa'ety: Officers reported trouble at warming house,
<br />CD
<br />windows being- broken. And it -k,,,as expected that the persons committing
<br />the distruction had been found.
<br />Streets: ale report.
<br />Cleric instructed to order CR dcg ta
<br />Rr
<br />�s�s -at
<br />pe
<br />A petitill n ,vas presented by pro .. _. r y oak ak St., requesting t1
<br />some action be taken this spring to blac=lftc') Cak 6t., and 7th btreet from
<br />Rose to Nepeta Aves. This petitiun to be considered at a later. meeting.
<br />The Cler� read a letter from the Minnesota Statehood Centenniall
<br />Commission as!--ina the Mayor to issue an ojificial proclamation for Minriesotals
<br />D
<br />Statehood Centennial Year.
<br />The following bills were presented:
<br />Froolcman's, Fire truck repairs
<br />Lake Elmo Oil CO-, for gas for Fire Dept.
<br />La Co. Feb.Street 64.17�
<br />Nor. States Power t Li
<br />, I
<br />do farl1 Li hts 7 •57
<br />17.69
<br />e t
<br />do do do Jana-: Feb. Fire pt. lig'
<br />at. Paul Bottle Gas Co., Propane 'gas 375 gal* 56.12
<br />OVE-ft
<br />