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Minutes of Village Council meeting held April 1, 1958, at 8 PM., <br />All present. <br />Minutes of Meeting held Maren � 4th, 1958 and special meeting <br />held March 25, were read and approved as read. <br />Fire Chief hen -ping presented names of resicients and the house numbers <br />of the village. <br />He also reported that he had received a Letter 1 rom the Fire Under- <br />writers Inspection Co., relative to an inspection made by them of Lhe <br />fire department, they reporting the equipment and tree department in a <br />commendable condition, and that as scion as they added another #01 <br />fire vehicle so that there wou_,d always be one vehicle at the fire <br />house, the village would qualify for a Class 9 rating. He reported <br />that several grass fire azkkxxtKx9xkaraaxx runs had been maae, and also <br />a fire run to the J. Bergman Farm and Arthur Pritzel residence. <br />The List. manager of the Northw. Bell Telephone Co., was present at <br />the meeting alnd explained the rates being charged for the fire dept. <br />telephone service. Also that the rater were increased April 1st, 1958, <br />and that they would investigate the possibility of having the rates <br />remain the same as they were before the increase, or at about the same <br />figure. <br />LeRoy 'Turnbull appeared before the council re�.arding opening of <br />a street over the Eugene Curtis and Riebe property. this matter was <br />taken under advisement. <br />Committee reports: Trustee Ebne reported that some gravel had been <br />hauled on 3rd street and Clemens alley. <br />Park and Recreation: Trustee Krongard was to collect the iceys for <br />the warming house. <br />Motion was made and seconded that the (,onstables have charge of <br />licensing dogs in the village, and that they be paid 1/2 of the license <br />fees collected. Motion carried. <br />Applications for <br />Building permits were presented by the following: <br />Russell Anderson, addition to basement home, with fee of §1.25 <br />Tom Keller, for frame garage with fee of $1.25. Motion was then <br />made and seconded that the applications be approved and that building <br />permits be issuea to them. Motion carried. <br />An application was presented by M. J. Brookman for° reduction of <br />personal property valuation from $12,550.00 full and true value to <br />$9800.00. Motion made and seconded that the application be rejected. <br />Motion carried. <br />Letter from Minn. Association of Mayors wits. Salute to Youth <br />Proclamation was presented by Mayor Urtel, who was asked to have <br />the children in the community write Essays on "Why -I like to live in <br />Lake Elmo and its community" which essays were to be judged and a <br />girl and boy writing the best essay declared the winners and triat they <br />be taken to Coffman Memorial Unison on the University of Minn.,campus <br />in Minneapolis on May 7th, 1958 for a dinner and Centennial Youth Award. <br />The following bills were <br />Northern States Power oo., <br />do do <br />do do <br />Northw. Bell Telephone Cc <br />Stillwater Insurance Co., <br />presented: <br />March Street Lights <br />do Park lights <br />do lore Dept. service <br />., Fire Leptt.service <br />a ompn"Inst rd� pn <br />064.17, <br />1.00 <br />8.21 <br />186.65 <br />121.25 <br />do do Fire trucks and Liab. Ins. 305.35 <br />OvEH <br />