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present. <br />Minutes of Village C(-uncil meeting meld July 1, 1958. All <br />Minutes of mec,tin,_, held June 3, l'dbb were read and approved as <br />re,3d. <br />Committee he?7crts: <br />Streets - Trustee Ebne no report. <br />Parks: Trustee Kron;ard reported that the paper at tfie <br />warmi;ig house, hadd not been removed. dvould discuss this with Rev. <br />Larsen. vVill asp Robt. Ewald to cut the Bra s at the park. <br />Public Salety: <br />Trustee i),_rnfelc, reported that there were some vid)lati n <br />of the i,he fire crac-ier ardinunce. Constable present at meet n;-, stated <br />that he had tal=Le(l to the violaters, and that they ar.owed very little <br />co-operation to comply with the 111fXXO ordinance. X Trustee Uornield <br />rurtne•,r reportea tht t Onairman Larson of the East Oai'cdale Townbc:ard <br />inz orme!.-{ him that they had discussed the purchase of a new siren i or <br />the fire mall at their meeting, and that they would go along; with us <br />in the purchase of, a Naxxx,x-rffIx lar ;er new siren. I - ire Ci;iei HEl tliINu <br />present at the meeting reported that the Vol. lire Dept., w shed to <br />join tI�e Vol. l iremeri-ts Benefit Liss In. , of Caledonia, itiiinn., but that <br />such joining; would have to have the approval of the Viilage Council. <br />Motion was then made and seconded that the Villa_,e Council ap-)rove <br />the Vol. mire Department joining the Vol. Firemen's Benefit Association. <br />�rioticn carried. Motion arras then made and seconded that mire Chief <br />Henning be autr.orized to purchase a 5 n.r.Llectric Siren. t,ioticn carried. <br />The appointme::;t of a Justice of the Peace to fill the term <br />of Norman Fodness, who had not q:ialified. No action ta=icen. <br />The follo-�cIng bi LlS were presented: <br />Northern estates Power Co., Jane Street Lights 64.17 <br />do June park lights l.uu <br />do June sire Dept. light 4.03 <br />viashington County, 15 cu. yds Blacktopping <br />fcr° streets at A5.0t.i per c i.yd. 75,00 <br />Motion was that then made and seconded that the above bills <br />be allowed and same were crdered paid. N/lotic n carried. <br />Adj. <br />