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Minutes of Council meeting i eld Aug. 5, 1958- All pre.,ent. <br />Minutes of meeting held July 1, 1958 were read and approved as .read. <br />�( A delegation from Oa, St., appearre(:. at the meeting relative to <br />blacktopping X/� Oak Street. Otto Naatz objected to having any Xj�// <br />more frontage taken from his lot. �,jfter a general discussion it was <br />decided to have the blacktopping done 29 feet wide including gut-rers, <br />topping to 4 inches thick and each owner to pay ,60.00, and Louis Urtel <br />and Allert Richert bath: to pay $150.00 in a(ldition. Total cost to <br />be not more then 4904.80. Plotion was then made and seconded that this <br />work be done as above outlined. Motion carried. <br />Committee reports: JRXXkXx <br />Parks and Playgrounds: Trustee Kron.-Dard to het the grass cut on the <br />park. <br />Streets: Tvustee Ebne, brought up the matte.-r of having weeds cut. <br />It was decided th have Fred Aichert taut the weeds along streets. <br />Mrs. Yoheeler to be notified to have the weeds cut on her lots, <br />also Mrs. Macdonnell. <br />Rire Chief penning was present // at the meeting, and reported <br />that the siren had been installed, but that the time cloeK was defective <br />and had burned out. <br />Applications were received from the following for renewil of <br />3.2 On and Off Sale non -intoxicating Malt Liquor Licenses: <br />I. <br />klonia Anderson; On Sale, with 25.,)0 fee <br />Of;l~ sale, with ,�5.00 fee <br />Leonard ilvier On Sale with -�25.00 fee <br />Otf Sale, with -; 5.00 fee. <br />tlobion was then made and seconded that the abol,e applica- <br />tions be approved, and that On and Off' sale licenses be issued to the <br />alcove applicants. Motion carried. <br />The following bills Aere then presented: <br />Nprthern States Power Co., July Street lights .064.17 <br />do Park lights 1.00 <br />do i� ire inept. 5.r7 <br />East Oakdale Twp., street gradinf,, 28.00 <br />A. B. Schaei er, Tire and. aindsturm ins,, 1-ire hall 149.73 <br />St. Paul Bottle uas Uo. , Dee. 1957 l~ uel, f r•e hall 465.37 <br />Northw. Bell Tel Co., Fire _)ept. Service, May &xjjxly 44.25 <br />do do July 83.30 <br />Motion made and seconded that the above bills be allowed <br />and same were ordered . Notion carried. <br />motion made and seconded that the Assessor Luella Baseley be <br />ppLddl :,,150.00 for 1958 assessment. <br />and Bound <br />flotionecarried. book be <br />There be in_. no further business, meeting vas adjourned. <br />