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09-02-58 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-02-58 CCM
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Minutes of Village Council .Oeetin, held Sept. 2, iRS 1058, all <br />present. <br />Minutes of meeting held Aug. 5, 1958 were read and approved as reaci. <br />Francis Hefron appearred at the council meetin__; and complained about <br />the ditch between his property and the Donovan property, as the ditch <br />was filled up towards the south end of his property, and that the <br />water was draining, over Lis lot. After a discussion it was decided <br />to look over the situation on Sat. Sept. 13, 1958 to find a solution <br />to t4:e problem. <br />Paul Michaelis complained about the wee. -is on the Neilsen property <br />on the East side of Juniper St. The owner to be informed tc cut the <br />weeds. <br />Committee reports: Trustee Dornfeld, brought up tree matter of <br />damage done at the creamery during; the recent, bream in. He stated <br />that a bill was presented to Spec. Officer Dennis wi-Io in turn <br />gave it to Constable Eder in the amount of 070.70. That Constable <br />Eder had .returned the bill to the T.C. Nilk Prod. AssIn., as nox <br />formal complaint had been made to the Justice of the Peace, and that <br />no further action wo.!ld be taken until this had been done. each, <br />Motion was then made and seconded that the sum of plU.OU be paid <br />to Special Ufjicers Robert Dennis and Kenneth Streiff for service at <br />the milk creamery. Motion carried. <br />Parks and Playgrounds: Tru tee Krongard reported that lie had <br />talked to Rev. Larsen about the paper at the warmink_, house, which was <br />refused by Waldorf Paper Co., on account of bein._, wet. Rev. Larsen <br />informed him that he would take it up with the Luther League about <br />hauling the -caper g.way. Earl Goerss, President of the Lions Club <br />was present and stated treat the Lions Club would like the co-operation <br />of the Village in getting-; the s i-<ating rini� in shape for skating and <br />hockey playing, and. that a separate rink was desired I.or sicatin only. <br />Motion was then bade and seconded to give ttie Lions Club perr(jission <br />to grade !jockey and skating rink. Motion carried. <br />Streets: Trustee Ebne had nox report. it decided that the <br />rarilroad co., should be asked to cut the weeds on the south side of <br />their ri;ht of way along Vth street., and that Howard huebener be <br />notif'ied by Tri.istee Kron_;arc, tc cut weeds on his property. <br />Euildini. lrispector Erick Scheel appearred at the meeting and <br />reported that John Schutman had called him and informed. him th�-t <br />he <br />intended to sell some lots on the south side of his property along <br />the north side of llth St., but before selling same he wanted to know <br />if building permits could be obtained. The location of the proposed <br />dwellings bein`; contrary to the building; ordinance, the Village would <br />nc t authorize the issuance of bui i_ding permits. <br />Fire Ci!iet' Henning present at the meeting stateci that he had made <br />an olfer of J80U.,U to the Fridley I ire .Dept., for a 4 wheel drive fire <br />truce, and ths.t he I,ad discussed it with East Oakdale Twp., and that <br />they h. d ar;reed to go as i.; igh at $400. UU for the 3rd true -c. Motion <br />was tliyen made and seconded that the village would go up to 4200.UO <br />for the purchase of this 3rd i;ruc:.. 1viotic-n carried. He also asked <br />iv permi ;sign to install 3-pt--ase power in the fire hall for operating <br />a fire sirn. Permission granted. <br />Mayor Urtel reported that a meeting of the Metropolitan Planning <br />Comrlission would be held Seot.3,1�58 at St. Paul. members <br />of the <br />council were unable to attend tr.e meeting. <br />(over) <br />
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