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rzllage of UU6 `�tmv <br />1''U UOIJimoon (2nun#tr <br />L tee 'Ztxtta, fAimeouta <br />Pekxxuxyx�:p <br />February 7, 1961 <br />Meeting called to order. at 7.2OPM <br />Members attending- L.Urte1., L,Pbne,R.Dornfeld,R.Dennis <br />D. Mehsikomer <br />Letter from Martin Brockman and herb Rygg, Chairman and <br />Secretary respectively, of theWater Procurement Committee <br />was read and discussed. Clerk Mehsikomer was instructed <br />to write a letter to the committee tot he effect that they <br />approved the idea of anew election. Since it would require <br />some planning it was decided to request a joint meeting <br />between the committee and the council. This was made into <br />a motion by trustee Roy Dornfeld second by trustee Robert <br />Dennis. Carried 4-0. <br />A letter from the VIEW was read. relative to the status <br />the skating rink. Clerk Mehsikomer was instructed to <br />them a letter <br />to Commander <br />explaining council plans. Letter to be <br />Vince Anderson. <br />of <br />send <br />sent; <br />Committee reporton Recreation by trustee Roy Dornfeld. <br />Joe Brachman. had been hired to look after -the skating rink <br />and the warming house. This would include turning the lights <br />on and off, watching over the heating system and in general <br />overseeing the rink from his home. During -the period that <br />Mr. Brockman was in the hospital his wife would keep an eye <br />on the rink. During the brief period -this has been in effect <br />it seems to work. Pay .rate <br />The hockey goals had been rfmoved from the skating rink with- <br />out permission and put on the rink on the lake. Trustee Roy <br />Dornfeld advised that he would see that they were returned <br />on or before the fish houses had to be removed. <br />Relative to the hockey rink the council decided to see to <br />it that the boards were completed during the summer months <br />including painting. All work would be completed before the <br />15th of October so thatt they could be installed before <br />the skating season. started. <br />Committee report on Streets by trustee Lloyd Fbne. <br />Norht shore :Drive was sanded to reduce the slippery surface <br />on that street since it is shielded from, the sun. <br />The new light on Rose Street is continually being broken <br />with no preventative measures being taken. <br />