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Uifta e of �ake `Pmv <br />alWaollznW#nn OJauntU <br />Minutes of the Village Council Meeting May 2, 1961. <br />Louis Urtel, Roy Dornfeld, Robert Dennis, Lloyd Ebne, and <br />Don Mehsikomer <br />Minutes of the April 49 1961 meeting .read and approved. <br />The clerk was instructed to obtain 100 dog tags and two pads <br />of dog licenses and give them to the constables. <br />Recreation. committee: Trustee Roy Dornfeld reported that he <br />was arranging for Mr Robert Lobdahl of the Saint Paul Parks <br />and Playgrounds to come to Lake Elmo to look over the rec- <br />reation area and make suggestions on the best way to lay out <br />the grounds to get the most out of them. This is being done <br />so that a full scale program can be outlindd and plans made <br />for improvements over the next few years. <br />Roy also reported that the snowfence had been set up at the <br />athletic fi.el.d to serve as an outfield wall and allow for <br />a definite size field. <br />Roy also reported that County Commissioner Art Schaefer had <br />been contacted relative to having the county spray the ball.-• <br />field for weeds as well as other areas where weeds were not <br />being controlled. Art suggested that Roy get in touch with <br />MT. Merten or. Mr.. Weber his assistant, regarding this mat- <br />ter but felt that they should be agreeable to such an idea. <br />Roy reported that the hockey goals had bean l.racated and were <br />now up in the warming house. <br />Roy was requested to contact the constables and have them <br />contact Ray Hagberg relative to open burning and the burn- <br />ing of garjage. The law requires that burning be done in <br />closed burners. <br />Police and Safety: Trustee Robert Dennis reported that some <br />drivers were driving without a license. Constables had given <br />warnings. Constables to be instructed to be more severe. <br />Warnings were to be held to a minimumand not issued when the <br />individual is a known violator. Individuals who are known to <br />be without a license or incapable of driving should be <br />watched more closely and tickets issued if necessary.. <br />2xl Streets: Trustee Lloyd Ebne requested permission to hire <br />a street sweeper at 8 15.00 per hour to clean up many of <br />the streets in Lake Elmo. Motion by Roy Dornfeld second <br />by Robert Dennis to grant this request. Carried ¢-0. <br />