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Uittage of Enkt gtmv <br />Wuo*33tun (90unte <br />' Iake PMO, 'Minugooht <br />Minutes of. Village Council Meeting July 6, 1961. <br />Present: Louis, Roy Dor•n.feld, Lloyd Ebne,Robert Dennis <br />and Don Mehsikomer. <br />Minutes of the June 6 and June 30 meetings mypxxxxt read and appr. <br />Roy Dorn.feld reported on 'recreati.on.The swing set and ladder <br />have been deli-vered. and Horace DorAfel.d has been hired to install <br />the equipment. Vfw of lake Elmo has indicated they will contribute <br />approximately 8 400.00 toward this equipment. <br />Bids were opened on the improvement of the playground and install— <br />ation of a tennis court. <br />T.A. Schifsk<y Norm Wendt > 975.00 <br />Ritzer landscaping 1283.16 <br />Motion by Robert Dennis second by Lloyd Ebne to accept the bid <br />from T. A. Schifsky and Sons. Carried 4-0. <br />Lloyd Ebne reported on streets. Horace Dornfeld has been hired to <br />fill the chuck holes in the streets and to replace the steet sign <br />on Rose and Seventh St. <br />Trustee Ebne requested permission to hire someone to paint lines <br />on the street as an ai.d to parking. Permission granted. <br />Pete Durand has been hired to cut the weeds in the culverts and <br />along the streets where they have not been taken care of. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer instructed- to write the railroad regarding im— <br />proving the grade on either side of the tracks on lake Elmo Road, <br />Robert Dennis reported on the Fire Department..Hugh ➢Radson has <br />resigned from the fire department and several other have indicated <br />they intended to do the same. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer was instructed to return the bid bonds on the <br />fire engine. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer was instructed to invoice East Oakdale for $450. <br />for their share of fire department expense for the third quarter <br />1961. <br />Mayor Urtel repoted that the planning committee met June 26 and <br />plan to go to the county to try and get county —wide planning. <br />The question of property for the village well and water tower <br />was dicussed and it was decided to investigate the following <br />sites: 1.Mr. R.eibe, Mr. Crabtree, Mr. Brookmans, and. Pire Ball <br />grounds. <br />