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Pittage of Hake " mo <br />July 29p 1961 <br />Dewey Kelson <br />County Assessor" <br />Courthouses <br />�tillwster � <br />Minnesota <br />Dear Mr# Kolsona <br />I have two problems which require information from you before they, <br />oan be answereda Would you be good enough to supply the details <br />on these two requests* <br />1*Bnolosed is a letter from Ghioago and North Western air- <br />way Company in whioh they have asked for the assessed evaluation <br />of various paroels of sand along the railway rightaway► Would, <br />you till these in and return them in the sell' addressed envelope <br />to the railway. <br />2.Neilson produots 00, has requested a report on the values <br />whiph we sot up oan of fi:oe turniturso 1 do not have a onpy Of the <br />report so oan you supply me with this information. <br />Neilson also finally submitted: a report ,on personal property. <br />From this report whioh is enplosed you oan see that theY are taking <br />depreoiation on their 9 r�ipmen�te Maybe I sm assuming thi a l would <br />you look over the laet ow years and see if this is -z right so <br />that if it is the vase that we, oan explain the oorreot metho-d <br />of figuring personal property tax, <br />Thanks Dewey for your help on these matters; if on have any <br />suggestions or oomments Oki handling this pleases et me know. <br />Sinooreely yours, <br />c� <br />Donald Mshsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Imo <br />