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Village of '�Uke '�Rmv <br />no4ing#un (90uniLI <br />'i`ittke ''gima, 'Minnesa#tt <br />September 6,1961 <br />Pinutes of the Village Council Meeting September 5, 1961 <br />Roy Dornfeld, Lloyd Abne, Robert Dennis, Louis Urtel, and <br />Donald Mehsikomer. <br />Roy Dornfeld acting for .Mayor Urtel called the meeting to <br />order at 7e35PM. <br />Minutes of the meetings of Augustl, and August 9v 1961 were <br />:read followed by a motion to accept the August 1 minutes as <br />read. Motion by Roy Dornfeld second by Robert Dennis. Carried <br />4-0. Clerk 'Mes1komer advised that he had overlooked the <br />action of the council regarding an adjustment in Real. Estate <br />evaluation for Alma Specialties and that it should be ridded <br />to the August 9 mi-nutes. With this addition a. similar motion <br />to accept the minutes was made. Carried 4--0. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer presented a financial statement showing <br />balances as follows after the current bills had been paid. <br />Village account 04,771.01 <br />Fire Department Operating 338.76 <br />fire Department Sinking 1,971.02 <br />Committee Reports- Lloyd Abne-Streets Discussion regarding <br />asking the county to keep the county road which is Fake Elmo <br />Main Strret clean. The streets have had parking lines paint- <br />ed and because of dirt on the streets some of the lines are <br />buried. Action was also contemplated regarding the sidewalk <br />on take 'Elmo "load. As is some sections are in hazardous <br />conditions. Clerk advised to write county commissioner Art <br />Schaefer to see what adtion we can get on these matters. <br />A question. was 'raised as to whether any further word had been <br />received regarding the building of a new Post Office in the <br />village. Clerk advised that nothing had been received offic- <br />ially but that their were rumors that the location was not <br />the same as originally stated by the Post Office Department. <br />Frank Tokay, 'village representative on the transportation <br />committee was on hand to explain what had transpired at meet- <br />ings that had been held to date. A letter from the acting <br />chairman of the committee was also read. In the letter they <br />explained that if all the surrounding towns participated in <br />the transportation study the cost to the Village of Lake Almo <br />would be roughly "B M0. <br />Motion by C1eck Mehsikomer second by Trustee Lloyd Bbne that' <br />the village approve expense of study up to a maximum of 1100. <br />