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11-07-61 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-07-61 CCM
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vittage of Un e `�tmv <br />y9l kml2£ngtu avatnlg <br />aklt '�Rmar, xnne#lita <br />November 7, 1961 <br />Minutes of the village Council Meeting. <br />Meeting called to ordef at 8:20 PM by Mayor Urtel. <br />Attending were: Mayor Urtel, Trustees -Dennis, Dornf.eld,and Ebne <br />and Clerk Mehsikomer <br />Minutes of the October meeting read and approved. <br />Legal advisor,Rod Lawson, was discuss acquisition of <br />land for the water system. He was draw up a contract <br />with Ernst and Mrs. Reibe for well property at a cost of $1,000, <br />Also with the same party an easement to allow for installation <br />of underground electrical catle from Nepeta to the property. <br />A contract for easement with Robert and Marian Hozek for an <br />access, of business vehicles to the well. property. The consider- <br />ation for the access would be to improve the road through the <br />property and to move the garage now on the considered prpperty <br />to adjoining property and put in.a concrete slab for the garage. <br />Committee Reports. <br />Streets: Snow fences have been put up. <br />Carl Olinger and Sons have agreed to handle the :street .plowing <br />for the village. Clerk Mehsikomer instructed to write up a con- <br />tract to cover this agreement. The retainer is $200,00 with a <br />rate of $6 7.50 per hour for plowing and $6..50 per hour for sand- <br />ing. <br />Council approved two loads of gravel to fill holes on 11th St, <br />Recreation: The bleachers were damaged over Holloween and re- <br />quire repair. village to make arrangements for needed work. <br />Trustee advised that he was having difficulty getting anyone <br />to put up boards for the hockey rink but he would find someone. <br />It was also reported that the door from the warming house had <br />been damaged by vandals and required replacement. <br />Police and Safety:Fires during the month were at the following <br />places: Railroad, Robert Ziertman and George Warners. <br />By a vote of 4-0 the Off Sale Liquor licenses.for Elmo Inn and <br />Twin Point Tavern were approved for the yaar January 11, 1962 to <br />December 31, 1962. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer was requested to send a copy of the curfew <br />ordnance to East Oakdale since they were considerdng one of their <br />own and thought it a good idea to make them.the same. <br />
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