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VILLAGE OF LAKE ELMO <br />March 6, 1962 <br />Minutes of Council Meeting. <br />Present: Louis Urtel, Lloyd Ebne, Roy Dornfeld, Randolph Carlson. <br />Norman Wendt appeared at the meeting to raise objection to the <br />high real estate tax ($772.23)on his residence. Dewey Kelson <br />to be approached regarding attending a council meeting for a <br />discussion on this particular tax levy. <br />Al Henning Fire Chief was on hand to inform.the council of the <br />request to pay the man on duty on Sunday for hours when the <br />fire phones are not attended. <br />Committee reports: <br />Streets: Trustee Ebne reported that the county would make sure <br />that the snow would be removed from Main Street(Lake Elmo Roado. <br />Recreation: Trustee Randolph Carlson reported that the skating <br />rink has been closed for the season. <br />Police and Safety: Trustee Roy Dornfeld reported that the Bush <br />property adjacent to the playground (4 acres) is for sale. <br />Roy will check with Carl regarding price. <br />The drilling on the village well goes on and at the present <br />time they are at a depth of 420ft. <br />Meeting adjourned. <br />Prepared by Lloyd Ebne in <br />absence of Clerk Don <br />Mehsikomer who was absent. <br />