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VILLAGE OF LAKE ELMO <br />April 23> 1962 <br />Minutes of council meeting: <br />A letter of approval was requested for use of the Village Well <br />Property by Ben Frederich for a small garden. Motion by Don <br />Mehsikomer second by Xoy Dornfeld that since the property would <br />not be improved this year that permission be granted. Carried 4-0. <br />Attending:Louis Urtel,R.Carlson,R.Dornfeld,Lloyd Ebner and D.Mehsikomer. <br />Clerk was instructed to send Mr. Waite of Minneapolis Savings andLoan <br />claim for $25.00 to cover legal fees for a release on the easement <br />for Mr. Ponath. <br />A representative of Banister Engineering advised that the approximate <br />cost for the well would run 10% over the estimate. This despite the <br />fact that the well 808 feet rather than the estimate of 350 <br />to 450 feet. The state has allowed that since we did not go through <br />the limerock that grouting of the well was not tk± necessary. <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Council meeting of the <br />Village Council of the Village of Lake Elmo, Minnesota, was duly h <br />held at the Fire Hall in said village on Monday, the 23rd day of <br />April 1962, at 8.00P.M. <br />The following members were present: Louis Urtel, Randolph Carlson, <br />Roy Dornfeld, Lloyd Ebner and Don Mehsikomer; and the following <br />absent: None. <br />Roy Dornfeld introduced and moved the adoption of the following <br />resolution: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND <br />ORDERING ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS. <br />WHEREAS, the village engineers, Banister. Engineering Co., have <br />prepared plans and specifications for water mains, designated as <br />Project No. 2, and an elevated storage tank, designated as Projest <br />No. 3,both included within the water improvement ordered by res- <br />olution dated June 159 1961, and babe presented such plans and <br />specifications to the council for approval: THEREFORE BE IT <br />RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF LAKE ELMO, MINNESOTA: <br />1. Such plans and specifications, copies of which are at- <br />tached hereto, and made a part thereof, are hereby approved. Said <br />improvement has heretofore been designated Water Improvement No.1. <br />2. The Village 61erk shall. prepare and cause to be inserted <br />in the Stillwater Weekly Gazette, the official paper, and ing the <br />Construction Bulletin advertisements for bids for the construction <br />of said Project No.2 and Project No.3, Water Improvement No. 1 <br />under such approved plans and specifications, The Advertisements <br />shall be published as required by law, shall specify the work to <br />be done, shall call for bids upon the basis of a sash payment for <br />such work, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by <br />the council at 3.00PM on May 22,1962 for Project No. 2 and at 3.00 <br />PMon May 22, 1962 for ProjectNO, 3, both in the Fire Hall in said <br />village, that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed <br />with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit or certified <br />check or bidder's bond payable to the Clerk for 5% five percent <br />