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VILLAGE OF LAKE ELMO <br />April 3, 1962 <br />Minutes of Council Meeting. <br />Present: Louis Urtel, Lloyd Ebne, Roy Dornfeld, Randolph Carlson, <br />and Donald Mehsikomer. <br />Carl Ahlgren requested information as to whether he can build <br />within 3 f6et of his North property line. The building Ordinance. <br />covers only residential limitations which call for building 5 <br />feet away from the property line. Since this is zoned commercial <br />it was recommended that he contact the property owner North of his <br />property and if he had no objection the council would agree to <br />permit building to within 3 feet of the fine as requested. <br />Well report. As of today the well is at a depth of 720 feet. <br />A statement of charges which had been approved by Banister Eng— <br />ineering was submitted for consideration and partial payment. <br />Clerk instructed to contact the bank to cover this expense on an <br />interest bearing note to be held by the bank until the well <br />bonds have been sold. Amount $4,780.40. <br />Both Mr. Ponath and Mr Curtis had approved the easement for a <br />roadway to the well site. Mr. Tom Waite of Minneapoolie Savings <br />and Loan still has to approve before the easement can be filed. <br />Howard Huebner has approved an easement through his property for <br />a water main. This *s a 20 ft. temporary and 10 ft permanent <br />easement. Earl Goerss has also given herbal approval for the <br />main to cross his property. Banister Engineering will have to <br />check with Nomman Mendt to determine the exact location of kii5the <br />cesspool.of Howard Heebner, Harold Fodness is considering the <br />full circle around Park Drive or whether he wants only the western <br />and south of this street. <br />Committee reports: <br />Streets:Trustee Lloyd Ebne reported that gravel had been dumped <br />on the West end of Seventh Street and on Rose Street. The gravel <br />streets were all graded on april 3. <br />Mayor Urtel advised that he had appointed Mr. E. Mechelke as <br />assistant weed inspector. <br />Police and Safety: No fire calls or police calls this month. <br />Recreation: Trustee Randolph Carlson suggested and received <br />approval to have an electricity meter installed at the skating <br />rink and then have the lights shut off during the summer. <br />The Lake Elmo Lions have donated complete cost of materials and <br />l labor to install two basketball standards which will be located <br />across the North end of the hockey rink. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer reported that the Schwartz garage was reevaluated <br />for tax purposes. The present true and full value of this building <br />is 66800 the revised value full and true $40002. This reduction <br />would reduce the village revenue by less than $20.00. <br />