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VILLAGE OF LAKE ELMO <br />May 9, 1962 <br />Minutes of Council Meeting. <br />Present: Urtel,, Dornfeld, Carlson, Ebne, and Mehsikomer. <br />Meeting called to order at 8.05P.M. <br />Clerk instructed to write Jamed Douville regarding and ardinance <br />to regulate traffic vialations. <br />Minutes of April 3 and April 23 meeting read and approved. <br />l Committee reports: <br />Roy Dornfeld reported on traffic violation speeding and n&isy <br />muffler. Fires were reported as follows: Nippoldt, Railroad <br />rightaway and 3 fired at pine Springs. <br />Lloyd Ebne reported that streets had been patched and all the <br />traffic signs put in place. <br />R. Carlson reparted that the basketball backstops had been ordered. <br />The light switch has been installed on the skating rink and the <br />lights shut off for the summer. <br />Clerk instructed to write the building inspector and have him <br />check with Interstate Lumber Co. regarding improving or removing <br />the sightly buildings remaining at the lumber yard. <br />Clerk advised that a liability claim and been filed as the result <br />of a personal injury at the tennis court. <br />Motion by Carlson second by Dornfeld that someone be hired to <br />clean up the recreation area cleaned up of debris. Carried 4-0. <br />Motion by Dornfeld second by Ebne to approve the 3.2 ON and OFF <br />sale license renewal for Twin Point Tavern. Carried 4-0. <br />Financial report. After the listed bills are paid the following <br />balances will be on hand. <br />Village $2,458.55 <br />Fire Dept. $48..46 Sinking $2,799.91 <br />Follwoing bills were submitted for approval: <br />Car Olinger /Vil $103.50 <br />Ben Lohman to26.25 <br />Oscar Lohman It 23.63 <br />U of Minn to 16.00 <br />Erick Scheel ° 7.00 <br />NSP if 79.64 <br />St. Paul Stamp Works it 16.18 <br />Meyer Mere. to 14.30 <br />Construction Bulletin to 16.00 <br />E. Mechelke " 28.00 <br />Horace Dornfeld " 40.00 <br />TA Schifsky " 22.80 <br />Easton Masterman " 13.50 <br />Bruce Abercrombie " 2.00 <br />