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HENRY VAN MEIER, M. D. <br />226 EAST MYRTLE STREET <br />STILLWATER, MINN. <br />June 9, 1962 <br />Village of Lake Elmo <br />Washington County <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />Attn: Mr. Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Dear Mr. Mehsikomer: <br />Your letter of May Sth became misplaced and it certainly <br />was "lost" for one month. I should be very happy to be of <br />whatever assistance I can be to the Village of Lake Elmo <br />as Health Officer. For a number of years, I have been Health <br />Officer for Washington County. <br />As you know, our county is on the "township system" in which <br />set up the township clerks serve as Health Officer. Since <br />the reporting of contagious diseases has practically gone out <br />of style in that we never see oases of smallpox or diphtheria <br />and since there are but few other diseases which are to be <br />reported to the Health Officer for filing, reports have <br />practically been done away wit'. Births and deaths are filed <br />directly with the County Clerk of Court. The nuisance matter <br />is always with us and it is in this realm which I feel we have <br />the most trouble. <br />I would be glad to meet with you or to attend a meeting with <br />your Council should they chose. Since the work which I might <br />be called upon to do is variable and is usually in the nature <br />of consultation, the fee would also naturally vary -- assuming <br />there is a fee. Often times, the needed advice can be given <br />over the phone. <br />Sincerely, <br />HVM/mff Henry Van Meier, M. D. <br />