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VILLAGE OF LAKE ELMO <br />Minutes of meeting July 12, 1962 <br />Urtel,Carlson, Ebne, Dornfeld, and Mehsikomer <br />Minutes of meetins of June 13, and June 01 read and approved. <br />Committee reports: Streetst A number of complaints have been re- <br />ceived because of the digging but it has been explained that we <br />have to expect some problems with the weather we have had. <br />Police and Fire Department: The council has agreed to meet with <br />the committee representing the Township of East Oakdale to deter- <br />mine present status of the mutual contract. Mr. Frederieh and Mr. <br />Catlin will arrange for the meeting and advise the date. <br />Recreations Basketball standards are partially in and should be <br />completed shortly. <br />Mr. Earl Stahl was on hand to discuss and demonstrate a water <br />meter made by T3ersey Pump Co. Approximate price 930.00 per. <br />Trustee Ebne was appointed to check into a tractor or equipment <br />for cutting grass and weeds for the village. <br />Clerk was instructed to contact Banister Engineering for some rec- <br />ommendations regarding a plumbing code. <br />The following bills were submitted for approvals <br />Brockman Motor Sales Inc. FD $ 14.00 <br />NSP ED 9.10 <br />Lake Elmo Oil FD 2.80 <br />NW Bell FD 39.40 <br />Kenls National Oxygen, FD 3.15 <br />Minn. Fire Equip. Co FD 120,00 <br />E.H.Mechelke VIL 42.00 <br />NSP if 79.19 <br />Brockman Motor Sales Inc. to 90.00 <br />Motion by Roy Dornfeld second by Lloyd Ebne that bills be ord- <br />ered paid. Carried 4-0 <br />Meeting adjourned at 9:15PM. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />