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VILLAGE OF LAKE ELMO <br />Meeting of Council Meeting July 30v 1962 <br />Urte1, Carlson, Dornfeld,Ebne,! and Meheikomer <br />Bill Banister, Gene Lindholm, and Ray Rivard. <br />The meeting was opened to discuss some difficulties which had <br />presented themselves regarding position and location.of hydrants <br />and mains. The council and the engineers took a tour of the vil- <br />lage with the idea of correcting these problems. <br />The hydrant on North Shore Drive at the west end of teh main <br />stood considerably out of the ground. The hydrant. was to be moved <br />about 3 feet closer to the street and a wall made to give the hyd- <br />rant adequate cover. <br />The hydrant on 11th street was extended 100 feet beyond the <br />village limits. Banister was to check to determine the_responsi- <br />bility and advise what action is necessary. <br />The hydrant on.11th at at the Dennis property stands only a <br />minimum amount out of the ground. The conttactor will have this <br />dished and sodded to give adequate room to work the controls. <br />Ray Rivard requested that he be allowed to assign the respon- <br />sibility for subcontract work to H. Markgraf. The council and <br />the Village Engineers pointed out that this was not acceptable. <br />Mr. Rivard was advised that he was to retain all liabilities for <br />work which he performed. <br />Discussion was held regarding a plumbing code which had been pro- <br />posed at the July 12th meeting. Since the desired copies of codes <br />were not available it was decided to discuss this again at the <br />August 7 meeting. <br />Clerk was instructed to start preparingassessment roles for the <br />hearing this fall. Form to include owner, property description, <br />dimensions and charge, hookup charge, and total assessment. <br />Meeting adjourned at 11o00PM. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />