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433a <br />AN 0Rk NANC8 ADQI_TIXQ Ti3S -41990 ATATILL <br />LPWRS 01P$ <br />The Village of Lake Elmo does ordain: <br />Section 1. Sate P1� Tai $ CCde t d. The Minnesota Plumbing Code of Mini- <br />mum Standards end Requirements as adopted by the Minnesota State Board of Health <br />July 20, 1937, as amended May 9, 19391 January 149 1947, and October 16, 19510 is <br />hereby adopted and shall be in full force and effect in this Village insofar as <br />applicable to plumbing and building construction therein, except that the Water - <br />Service Pips shall be Type X ( soft) copper tubing only, and except that the use <br />of bituminous fiber pipe for the building sewer (Article X, Section 125 (a) ) is <br />prohibited„ All work done hereafter in this Village shall be done in accordance <br />with the provisions thereof. <br />Section 2• Cvbaits of Cede to LO Ji l,td. Three copies of the above code as afore- <br />said shall be filed by the Village Clark in his office for inspection and use of <br />the public, and shall be marked by the Clerk with the words "Village of Lake Elmo - <br />Official Copy". This Ordinance shall bacoma effective upon such filing slid upon <br />the publication hereof as required by law. <br />Section 3. Snf rc exat > �aana . It shall be the duty of this Village building <br />or Plumbing inspectors, designated 'by the council to enforce the provisions of this <br />Ordinance. All plumbing work hereafter constructed shall be inspected, and if <br />found not to be in accordance with the said code shall be corrected, If after <br />written notice to the person installing work requiring, correction thereof such <br />Person neglects or refuses to conform to such order, the Village or any duly ap- <br />r <br />t pointed inspector may remove such work and char <br />ge the coat thereof to the person <br />installing, the same. Any persoxa covering work without its being duly inspected <br />or refusing to correct work when 80 ordered by the Village inspector shall be <br />guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a <br />fine of not to exceed $100.00 or by imprisonment for not to exceed ninety days. <br />-i- <br />