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VILLAGE OF LAKE ELMO <br />Council meeting October 2, 1962 <br />Minutes of Sept. meetings read and approved. <br />Present: Urtel, Carlson, Dornfeld, Ebne and Mehsikomer <br />Motion by Clerk Mehsikomer to give Layne Minnesota until Oct. 15, <br />to complete installation of pump. If not completed we would assess <br />at the rate of $25.00/day. Layne -Minn would also set up tempory <br />equipment to have at least 40 lbs of pressure on the line. Sedond <br />by Trustee Ebne. Carried 4-0. <br />Rivard and Sons were given until 5PM on Oct.8, 1962 to complete <br />flusing the Tines otherwise penalty assessment. Motion by Clerk <br />Mehsikomer second by Trustee Dornfeld Carried 4-0. <br />The hydrant on Lake Elmo Road and 6th street must be moved. It is <br />now on private property and should be moved to the Southwest cor- <br />ner of the inte-rsecti on. <br />Dick McNight presented the new contract for electricity for the <br />pumphouse and pump. Motion by trustee Dornfeld second by Trustee <br />Carlson that contract be signed. Carried 4-0. <br />Norman Wendt and William Wendt were both on hand to discuss the <br />water. They were advised that the cost of the meter would be $31.00 <br />This included the final inspection charge for the plumbing inspector, <br />Motion by Clerk Mehsikomer second by Trustee Dornfeld that spec <br />be written up for a new piece of equipment to be used by the Vil- <br />lage and the Water Department.. Carried 4-0 <br />The council discussed some of the duties of a village custodian. <br />These included read meters quarterly,repair streets,eut grass <br />part time constable,handle the lights at the skating rink, and <br />a number of other jobs of varying degrees of impartanee. A special <br />meeting would be scheduled for Oct 25,1962 to interview cand. <br />Clerk advised that after the current bills were paid the financial <br />statement read as follows: <br />Village $ 5,262.11 Fire Dept $ -63.38 <br />Water-369588.95 Sinking 3688.52 <br />Lloyd Ebne asked for and received approval to repair the streets <br />on Kalmia and Sixth so the buses could be routed thru town again. <br />Following bills submitted for approval: <br />Brookmans FD $ 6.60 Univ. Const Vil $23,864.00 <br />Meyer Merc if7.65 NSP " 79.17 <br />NW Bell of 39.40 Brockman it 2.70 <br />NSP it 5.81 Miller Davis it 76.95 <br />A.Schneider Vil 24.50 L.Haseley " 24.50 <br />G.Cheney " 24.50 Olson Trans " 3.00 <br />E. Mechelke if 10.50 Rivard " 18,766.60 <br />G. Seigreied It 3,145.00 Rivard " 139416.07 <br />Motion by Trustee Dornfeld second by trustee Ebne that bills be <br />ordered paid. Carried 4- 0. <br />( Adjourned 9:5OPM. <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />