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VILLAGE OF LAKE ELMO <br />Council meeting October 25, 1962 <br />Attending: Urtel, Carlson, Dornfeld, Ebne, and Mehsikomer <br />Called to order at 7:50PM by Mayor Urtel. <br />Dick Durand was on hand to discuss the assessment of property on <br />the West side of Lake Elmo Road. The council advised that they <br />would check the location and determine if a permit would be grant. <br />ed to build on this property,If not the assessment would be modified. <br />Roy Lohman was on hand to discuss the position of Village Custodian. <br />Roy was asked if he would perform the following duties without <br />question: <br />Read meters quarterly, care for and improve the area around the <br />pump and pumphouse, cut grass, maintain the streets, care for street <br />signs, put up snow fence, flush fire hydrants periodically, keep <br />fire hydrants open during winter,handle the lights at the skating <br />rink, have control of the water meters, part time constable plus <br />other duties that may be added from time to time. The salary for <br />this position would be 86100.00/ month. It is realized that the work <br />load will vary but this should average out over the year. <br />No other applicants showed up. <br />Motion by Trustee Dornfeld second by Trustee Carlson that if Mr. <br />Roy Lohmann was agreeable to the arrangements he could have the <br />position. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />h" <br />Pn <br />