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12-04-62 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-04-62 CCM
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December 4, 1962 <br />Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting (Minutes) <br />Present: Urtel, Dornfeld, Carlson, Ebne, and Mehsikomer. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:45PM by Mayor Urtel. <br />Charles Ponath was on hand to discuss the Title for the easemnet <br />for a rightaway to the Village Well. Council agreed to supply <br />gravel to cover the slippery clay surface. Council ky approved <br />a bill of $25.00 which the 'bank charged Mr. Ponath for legal fees <br />for handling of the Title. <br />Minutes of the October 25th and November 16, 196 2 read and app. <br />Bill Banister and Gene Lindholm of Banister Engineering were on <br />hand to discuss various aspects of the water system. <br />Banister presented and recommended approval of an increse in <br />the Universal Construction Contract since the work involved was <br />over and above the original bid Jax. Amount $134.58. Motion by <br />Clerk Mehsikomer second by Trustee Dornfeld that approval be given. <br />Carried 4-0. <br />Based on recommendations from the Village Engineer Trustee Dornfeld <br />for the final acceptance of the work on the pumphouse and author® <br />ization to make complete payment. Second by Trustee Ebne app.4-0. <br />The Engineers explained two increases in the construction <br />of the pump by Jayne- Minnesota totaling $240.84. Motion by Trust- <br />ee Ebne second by Trustee Dornfeld that additions be approved and <br />project be approved for final payment. Carried 4-0. <br />Roy Dornfeld moved for approval of final changes as recommend- <br />ed by Banister Engineering and for the payment of the amount due <br />on estimate No..5. Second by L.Ebne. Carried 4-0. <br />Mr.. Rivard was on hand to express his displeasure in the fact that <br />the council would not make final approval and payment in full since <br />the work was as far as he was concerned completed. Banister Eng. <br />pointed out that the gutters and work on Highway 212 rightaway <br />had not been approved and the Village certified check was held <br />until final acceptance of this part of the project. It was <br />pointed out to Mr. Rivard that if covered the check with a check <br />of his own(certified) that the Village Council would consider <br />approving final payment. Mr. Rivard left in a huff. <br />Motion by Trustee Dornfeld second by Trustee Carlson that if Rivard <br />acts as advised by the council the clerk and mayor be authorized <br />to make final payment. It was also added that if the bonding Co. <br />for Universal Construction approved the payment of a larger percent <br />of the total contract without tmvxxxtxgx±kx vpid ng the contract <br />that payment could be made as propsed at 95%of contract less late <br />charges. Carried 4-0. <br />The Engineers asked for clarification on two construction errors <br />and who would pay for them. Final agreement is that the Village <br />will pay for the additional 103 feet of main in ftont of Mordicks <br />but that the Engineers would be responsible for the moving of th6 <br />hydrant erroneously placed on private property on the corner of <br />Lake Elmo Road and Sixth St. Amount $111.28. Motion by Trustee <br />Dornfeld second by Trustee Carlson. Carried 4-0. <br />
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