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`�ttite `�Iztta, �ftixtnesaktt <br />MEETING OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL FEBRUARY 6, 1968. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:25PM by Mayor Brockman, <br />Present: Brockman, Abercrombie,Ebne, Goerss and Mehsikomer. <br />Minutes of the January 2 meeting read and approved. <br />Letter was received from Rod'Lawson on,;the changes that should be incorp. <br />orated in the letter to the railroad but the original was not available. <br />Rod Lawson was to,arrange to get copy of letter to clerk. <br />Fire Chief B. Friedrich was on hand 'to discuss fire inspectors and aldo <br />fire department budget. To date the�.,elork still has not received a budget. <br />JoAnn Hjelmgren a spokesman for` O S an organization for overwe gth wo- <br />men asked about the possibility of the organization using the. ;town hall - <br />for a meeting place once a month. She was informed that a group of citi- <br />zens would be, acting on this as a committee: and determine when and under <br />what conditions the town hall would be available. The committee is made <br />up of William Park,: Dale Brockman, Earl Goerss and Donald Mehsikomer. <br />The two constables are to be contacted. and requested to be at the next <br />council meeting on March 5, 1968. <br />A special meeting will be called for Thursday February 15, 1968 at 9:00 <br />AM at the Village --Town Hall and all the businessmen facing Washington <br />County Highway 17 are to be asked to attend to discuss the matter of snow <br />removal, snow -plowing and parking on the main street of Lake Elmo* <br />A committee composed of Herb Rygg, Bruce Beutel, and Do Ron Witzel has <br />been appointed to consider the possibilities of changing the athletic field. <br />Clerk to send a note to Edgar F1ohr regarding the position of assessor. <br />A letter from Layne Minnesota suggesting that the pump be pulled and <br />checked was discussed. The bid excluding any parts was $675.00. Mayor <br />Brockman was to discuss this matter further with Banister Engineering <br />for a recommendation., <br />Note was received from the Liquor Control Commissioner that a violation <br />of the code had been reported in Lake Elmo and that the council should <br />take whatever action was necessary to see -that it did not reoccur. Meeting <br />with the accused would be set with the Mayor as soon as possible. <br />Motion by Abercrombie second by Ebne that the council refuse a request <br />from.Norm Wendt to build a commercial structure in an area rule strictly <br />residential. Carried 5-0. <br />Clerk submitted a financial report for the Village account the Water De- <br />partment and the Fir6 Department for study by the Council. Motion by <br />Trustee Goerss second by Trustee Ebne that .financial reports be approved <br />as submitted. Carried 4-0. Clerk did not vote. <br />The following bills were submitted for approval: <br />Village Water Fire <br />Roy Lohmann. $140.00 <br />NSP 291.48 48.44 100.90 <br />NWB <br />51.59 <br />John Brockman <br />11.81 <br />Brockman Motor <br />7.50 <br />T A Schifsky & Sons <br />82.79 <br />Tohn Eder <br />6.00 <br />-Meyer Mercantile <br />9.69 <br />Commissioner of Taxation <br />20.47 <br />Lake Elmo Fire Department <br />19016.78 <br />Lake Elmo Oil Co. <br />. <br />4.62 <br />Minnesota Fire Equipmetn Co. <br />715.00 <br />