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Rsffage of Uakt ` Z= <br />TOU04tn$ton (Evuntg <br />`gahe 741:na, Ainniosata <br />Minutes of the special meeting of the Lake Elmo Village Council 3/23/68 <br />Meeting called to order at 10.25AM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present: Brookman,Abercrombie, Ebne, Goerss and Mehsikomer of the council <br />and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wendt residents of Lake Elmo. <br />The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the possibility of giving a <br />permit to build a three car garage on the Wendt property at 1180 Bose <br />Ave. Lake I%lmo. <br />After discussing the pros and cons of -the permit the following motion <br />was made by Trustee Ebne,"That a permit for a 24 x 50 foot garage be <br />issued to Norman subject to several special stipulations: <br />1.Mr. Wendt supply letters from his immediate neighbors that they <br />have no objection to said building. <br />2.Bnilding is to be used for nothing but storeage of vehicles or <br />materials but under no _condition is it to be used for mainten- <br />ante. <br />3.That in the event that the property exchanged hands by sale, <br />rental or inheritance that the building be torn down. <br />Second to this motion was given by Trustee Goerss and a, vote of the <br />entire council showed that 5 voted in favor and noe against, <br />Meeting adjourned at 11:30AM. <br />.lespectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />