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08-20-68 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-20-68 CCM
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VaIn e of Hake '�Rm>z <br />'il0n334iaaptnn (Lonntg <br />pthe 7t lmo, ' linuestit a 550-12 <br />Minutes of the Village Council,Meeting August 20, 1968, <br />Meeting called. to order at 7:302M by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present: Brookman,Abercrombie,EbnepGoerss and Mehsikomer. <br />deport of the Sewar Study Committee was read and discussed.. The Council <br />axtended congratulations to the committee chairman for a job well done. <br />The poles at the skating rink were still a problem and Al Haveley was to <br />check with ASP for a possible Saturday use of egipment to drop the boles. <br />The meeting was recessed at B:OOPM to take up the matter of the hearing <br />on building multiple dwellings on the Ponath. property. Gib Swandon who <br />was requesting the special use permit was on hand to explain first hand <br />the plans for the building. Peter Welsch and David Boorman were on hand <br />from the homes surrounding the property covered in the special use permit. <br />Mr. Welsch objected to the cars and additional noise that might result <br />if the permit were issued. David Boorman looked over the plans and felt <br />that they were not objectionable. Decision on the permit was to be made <br />at -the meeting September 3, 1968. <br />East Oakdale and. the Village of Lake Elmo have entered into a mutual agree— <br />ment to purchase the building and property now belonging to Fred Streiff, <br />Motion by Trustee Abercrombie 2nd by Trustee Ebne that the Mayor and the <br />Clerk be authorized tosign the final contract and to pay earnest money <br />on the transaction up to �6750.00. Carried 5-.0. <br />`he decision of the council was that the village should share in the total <br />cost of the building to the extent that they do in the Fire Department; <br />that is shared on the basis of total taxable evaluation. <br />Clerk instructed to issue invoices to all residents with property on <br />9th St. and Oak Ave. to cover the cost of the street improvement at elthe <br />rate of $50.00 per lot. <br />Street lights have been requested for the ends of Kalmia and Juniper in <br />the Meier Park addition. Trustee Abercrombie would check this out to de— <br />termine the location where a pole would be acceptable since there are no <br />poles in the area now from which to hang a street light. <br />Clerk informed the trustees that budgets must be resolved by next meeting. <br />The following bills were submitted for approval: <br />Brookman, Knopf and Anderson for tearing down hockey .fence. $25.31 <br />Carried 5,00. <br />Meeting adjourned at 10:45PM <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />
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