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Ugingt of 'Hake `7�lmo <br />Mollinatun aunntg <br />Pike glztm, cIinttroafu 55042 <br />Minutes of the Lake Elmo Village Council September 3, 1968, <br />Meeting called to order at 7:252M by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Brookman,Abercrombie,Bbne, Goerss and Mehsikomer. <br />Minutes of the Augast 6 and 20-th meetings were read and approved. <br />Motion by Trustee Abercrombie 2nd by Trustee Ebne that the motion on <br />the purchase of the Streiff Property be amended to increase the in- <br />itial amount of payment from $750.00 to $1250.00, Carried 4/0. <br />Further discussion was had with the residents of property near to the <br />property where the proposed special use permit was requested. Mr. <br />Lloyd Smith, Mr. Peter Welsch and Mr Iserman all were heard and Mr. <br />Gib Swanson.gave an answer to each question asked. After considering <br />all the comments a motion was made by Trustee Abercrombie with 2nd by <br />Trustee Ebne that approval be given 'to build 2 4plexes, one each on <br />the SE and East Central lots on the Ponath Property subject to a fav- <br />orable decision from the Village Engineer that -the soil can sustain <br />the amount of anticipated waste :from these buildins. Carried 5/0, <br />Trustee Abercrombie to discuss this with Banister Engineering. <br />Firechief Ben Freidrich advised that the Volunteer Fire Department <br />had discussed the question of availability in case of a disturbance <br />and they ageed that hhey would be available but wanted direction on <br />what was expected of them. <br />Clerk was instructed to write letters to Stillwater Chief of Police, <br />Washington County Sherrif, League of Municipalities and any others <br />that may have a suggestion regarding procedure in case of disturbances. <br />The following items were to be considered when making up the Audget <br />for the coming year: Roads $3,000,Street Lights $2500, Police Car <br />$1000, Policeman $15009, Recreation $2500 and Fire Truck $7,500. Also <br />consideration of salaries for village officials. <br />Plans for a new fire truck were submitted and a motion was made by <br />Trustee Ebne 2nd by Trustee Abercrombie that counciil approve the <br />letting of bides subject to a new East Oakdale -Lake Elmo contract.. 5/0. <br />Motion by Trustee Goers.s and by _,Trustee Abercrombie that Wilbur <br />Richert be retained for snowplowing with the same conditions as last <br />year with a retainer of $200,00. Carried 5/0, <br />Motion by Trustee Abercrombie 2nd by Trustee Goerss that the Village <br />change the dates of the election to coincide with the National Election <br />on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Carried 5/0. <br />After discussing the two meetings: a month for the council it was, <br />decided that the 2nd meeting would be on the fourth Monday of each <br />( month. The second meeting for September was set for September 23,19686 <br />