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10-01-68 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-01-68 CCM
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Vitta-gQ of puke 7�tntrr <br />wito4i"ton avuntg <br />`gape `Malmo, 'Minn..esata <br />MINUTES OF LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL MELTING OCTOBER 10, 1968. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:45PM by acting Mayor Ebne. <br />Present.Ebne4Aber.erombie,Goerss and Mehsikomer. <br />Mr, Art Johnson advised the water drainage on the South end of Kalmia was <br />causing a high water l.eVel in his back yard. The council advised that -they <br />xould check this matter out and set Saturday Morning Oct.5 for that meeting, <br />Mr. McCoy asked if the council was g6ing to check the water line from the <br />road or main to his connection. lie was advised that something wouod be done. <br />It was reported that the pumphouse had been entered and the pump shut off. <br />Trustee Ebne was to have the tumblers on the locks changed and the over- <br />head doors fixed in such a way that they could only be opened from within. <br />Only four keys were to be supplied. <br />Northwestern Bell had asked for the rights to install buried cable on 7th <br />St. and Nepeta Ave. Clerk authorized to sign but to modify the contract <br />so that in the event the lines have to be moved because of Village improve- <br />ments they would be moved by NW Bell at their expense. <br />Trustee Abercrombie was appointed to represent the village on the Valley <br />Sewer. Board, <br />Clerk authorized to order 1000lbs of ReverO Chemical for use on icy streets. <br />Minutes of the September 30968 meeting read and approved. <br />Trustee Abercrombie presented the findings and advise given to him by <br />Banister Engineering. Based on these reports the clerk.was to write to <br />Gib Swanson requesting that he have percolation tests made of the soil so <br />they could be given to the engineers and a final decision on.the special <br />use permit on the Paneth Property# <br />Don Raleigh, Layer, representing Rod Lawson was asked the procedure for <br />increasing the salary of the Mayor and. Trustees. He advised, that he would <br />check this out and advise in the next few days. <br />Rev. Weiland advised the he was appointed to a committ&�e by the Lions Club <br />to look into boy and girl activities. The council advised him that the <br />status of the skating rink was in doubt because of the county project. He <br />was further advised that the village would cooperate if a definite program <br />coulc be worked out. <br />Twin Point Tavern,Norm Schwartz, presented rough pland for the expansion <br />of his business. Council referred the plans to the Planning Commission to <br />review and act in the best interest of the village. <br />Mayor advised that he had received a request from Fire Chief Ben Friedrich <br />to resign as chief and take a leave of absence from.the fire department, <br />Motion by Trustee Abercrombie 2nd by Trustee Boerss to approve request. <br />Carried 4/0.. Clerk instructed to write a letter of appreciation. <br />( ,f report from Don Raleigh was favorable regarding salary increases a <br />motion by Trustee Goerss 2nd by Trustee Abercrombie that the Mayors salary <br />be increased from $1$9 to $250 per year and for Trustees from $120 to <br />$200. was passed.4/0. <br />Trustee Goerss reported that possibly he would 1_)e leaving the Villas come <br />the first of November. <br />Next meeting of the village council scheduled for OctobOr 28, 1968. <br />
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