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Vitage of Fake '�Rmy <br />i(C a0hingtun &%ins#g <br />Xnhe pma, Aiuttesuta 551142 <br />MEETING OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL TUESDAY FEBRUARY 4, 1969 <br />Meeting called to order at 7 s24PM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Presente Brookman,Abercroinbie,Boorman,Ebne and Mehsikomer. <br />CNinutes of the January 9, 1969 meeting rea6 and approved. <br />eading of letter regarding fluoridation. After discussion a motion was <br />made by Trustee Abercrombie 2nd by Clerk Mehsikomer that the village go <br />on record as favoring giving the voters the right to decide if they were <br />for or against the fluodida•tion of thsir water system. Carried 4-0, <br />Clerk to write to the Minnesota. State Senator and. the legislators re- <br />garding this matter and also regarding some consideration regarding -the <br />stocking of Lake Elmo even though the lake doesnot have public access. <br />Discussion on x1 constables salary. It was decided that the constable be <br />furnished with a form that he could use to log in -the number of times that <br />he is called on for any reason at all so that the council will have some <br />basis for considering a salary increase* <br />The following resolution was suggested by Trustee Abercrombie, 2nd by <br />Trustee Ebne and passed by the council 4-0* <br />Be it hereby resolved by the Village 6ouncil of the Village of Lake Elmo, <br />Washington County,Minnesota, that it is thenutual desire of se.:9.d Village <br />Council and the residents of the Town of East Oakdale, Washington County, <br />Minnesota, the same being a Township abutting said Village of Lake Elmo, to <br />'orm a single new municipality; the name of said municipality to be the <br />.illage of Lake Elmo, and <br />Be it further resolved that a copy of this Resolution, -together with an <br />appropriate petition of the freeholder residents of the Township of East <br />Oakdale, be transmitted to the Minnesota Municipal Commission and that <br />said Commission be and. it hereby is requested -to ordere hearings and to <br />make findings affecting the consolidation of said. Village of Lake Elmo and <br />said Town of East Oakdale, all of the foregoing being pursuant to Minnesota <br />Statutes Annotated 414.02, Subdivision 5. <br />Consideration was given to a snowmobile ordinance. Don Raleigh was given the <br />basic information and requested to come up with t preliminary draft. <br />Trustee Ebne was requested to have Carl Olinger plow the drainage channel <br />through the ballpark so that the water can get a start running as soon as <br />the weather is warm enough. <br />Request for Sunday Liquor from Twin Point Tavern was discussed and Con -- <br />stable Al Haw ley was asked to check and see if the tavern checked out <br />with the minimum requirements. <br />The Following bills were submitted for approvals <br />See page 2 <br />�.iiotion by Trusttee I]bne 2nd by Truett Abercrombie that bill be paid. <br />Carried 4-0. <br />