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Wao4in0on claindg <br />pthe gluta, 4AkCctlneoohl 55042 <br />MINUTES 0" THE LAI{E ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL APRIL 1, 1969 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:25PM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Brookman,Abercrombie,Boorman,Ebne and Mehsikomer. <br />Minutes of the March 4, 1969 meeting read and approved. <br />Last fall we received, an acknowledgement letter from the highway dep't <br />that they would be taking bids and hoped -to have the work done on the <br />special. -turnoffs on Hwys 17 dnd 15. To date no action has been taken so <br />the clerk was instructed to watee and determine status. <br />Snowmobile Ordinance j/36 has been set aside for consideration at the <br />council meeting of September, 1969. # 36 will be used for the next ordin— <br />ance that is issued. <br />Legal representative Don Raleigh would check on the tax abatement on the <br />Streiff property hcald jointly by the Village and East Oakdale but held <br />in title by Strei-ff. <br />Special meeting scheduled for Monday April 289 1969 to discuss the re — <br />guest of Anton Freidric.h to grant a building permit on a special piece <br />of property in Meier's Park. Clerk instructed to make sure that an in— <br />vitation is sent to Mr., Art Johnson requesting that he attend. <br />B'louridation of the water has been scheduled for discussion at the May <br />meeting of the council.. <br />:Ben Go.r-ka submitted a request to add. on to the Elmo Inn. This matter was <br />discussed and the council approved the request subject to meeting the <br />basic .requirements for customer parking as established by St. Paul. True. <br />Abercrombie would check this out and advise Mr. Gorka of the decision. <br />Trustee Abercrombie made a motion -that we adopt the following resolution: <br />"Be it hereby .resolved, by the Village Council of the Village of Lake <br />Elmo,Washington County, Minnesota, that it favors the establishment of <br />the proposed Afton State Park and does, hereby, recommend -that such <br />park be established. 2n.d. by Ebne approved by council by 5-0. <br />The following bills were submitted for approval: <br />Village Fire Water <br />Brockman. Motor. <br />Northwestern Bell <br />L E Fire Dept. <br />State Treasurer 33.00 <br />Carl Olinger & Sons 150.00 <br />Minnesota Fire Equ.ipt Oo. <br />Commissioner of Taxation <br />Thorsen & Lawson :2"35.00 <br />� �N a P '191.78 <br />Roy Lohmann 125.00 <br />Motion by Abercrombie 2nd by Ebne that bills <br />Meeting adjourned at 11.25PM. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />18.62 <br />51.59 <br />9.37 <br />2.10 <br />49.79 <br />146.91 40.18 <br />be paid. Carried 5-0. <br />