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3ftitage of Uake �Rnmv <br />WHOliingtan avuaxtg <br />'�itTks '�t[uxa, �Iinnesatt� 55tT42 <br />Meeting of the Laic Elmo Village Uouncil MaX .April 28, 1969 <br />Meeting called -to order at 7s36Pm by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Brookman,Abercrombie,Boorman,Ebne and Mehsikomer of the <br />Council and Walter 1+reidrich,Anton t'reidrich and Art Johnson. <br />Discussion between all parties regarding the two vacant .lots on Kalmia <br />the one is used as a catch basin for excess moisture and the other is <br />available for sale if a permit can or will be granted. <br />Trustee Boorman moved that we table any decision on this until the <br />June 3, 1969 meetin. During the meantime the three involved parties <br />should get together and try to come to some agreement. 2n.d by Trustee <br />Ebne and carried 4 � 0, <br />leitte property transaction was discussed and it was agreed that add- <br />itional :fill is needed to fulfill the contract as agreed. to. Carl <br />Olinger will move the extra material as soon as he can get the equip- <br />ment into the area.. <br />Question was raised on the fee to be charged for use of the lighted <br />ballfield. Dave Boorman moved that we charge the same as we did last <br />year for home teams which is $5.00 per night and $35.00 for a three <br />day tournament. 2nd by Abercrombie and carried 4-0. <br />It was suggested -that an outside team might like to use the field for <br />home games in the same league as the Twin Point Team,it was recommended <br />that a, representative of the team meet with the council at the next <br />meeting. <br />]:Francis Pott has been named to serve for the Village of Lake Elmo on <br />the water shed district.Clerk to advise the secretary of the appointment. <br />Clerk instructed to write a letter to all interested and influenttial <br />persons indicating the feelings of the village regarding having an all <br />purpose year a round building at the new fair groudds. <br />Meeting adjourned at 8s45PM. Next meeting Tuesday May 69 1969. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />:cake Elmo, Minnesota, <br />