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Bitty e of ake gtmxy <br />Nube glxan, fflftnezota 55t142 <br />MINUTES OIL TD1, LAKE EIaMO VILLAGE CIUNCIL JULY 149 1969.. <br />Meeting called to order at 6:30PM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present;BrookmantBoormen,Ebne and Mehsikomer. Absent -Abercrombie. <br />-'regal counsel. Don Raleigh advised that the street area in the Ellman <br />Addition had not been dedicated. Don would work with Ellman to try and <br />get the situation resolved. <br />Permit given to the Twin Point Tavern Softball Team to sell 3.2 Beer <br />at the upcoming softball. tournament. <br />Suburban Lighttng has agreed to replace a light on the ballfield for a <br />fee of $14.00, <br />Stillwater J C requested the use of the lighted ball.field for a Wednesday <br />night in August. Council creed to rent the field out. The fee for the <br />use of the field was set at 7.50 but a 9$25.00 deposit, which would, be re— <br />funde if the filed was cleaned up after the games. If the Village had to <br />clean up -the area the cost would be deducted from the deposit. <br />The bids on the repair of the streets were incomplete so the council de— <br />cided to hold up action on streets until. the meeting on August 5, 1969. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />bake Elmo, Minnesota <br />