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09-02-69 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-02-69 CCM
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Diffage of Uake '�Imv <br />l Wao4iugknn dnuufU <br />`Tithe 'ginw, c4ainuezafa 55942 <br />MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL SEPTEMBER G,1969. <br />Meeting c&lled to orderat 7:12PNi by ]feting Mayor Bruce Abercrombie. <br />Present.sAbercrombie,Boorman,Ebne and Mehsikomer. Absent; Brockman. <br />ftnutes of the August 5, 1969 meeting read and approved. <br />Hearing on the possible improvement on SeventhA St. was discussed. The <br />following people appeared before the council; Mrs. Mary Grobner, Mrs. Vera <br />Horrigan, Francis Pott, Charles King, Ray Krongard, John Basler,and 1plz- <br />Welsch. <br />Several proposals were offered; heave as is. 2.Oi.l and sand. 3.resurface <br />searify,oil,respread and roll, 4. Resurface with prepared blacktop, and <br />5 Oil with automobile crankcase oil. <br />Question was ri.ased on how such a project would be financed. Acting Mayor <br />Abercrombie explained that the plan was to assess 75% against the pro- <br />perty owners with the balance of 25% coming from General revenue. <br />The cost of crankcase oil would be $140.00. The cost of oiling and sanding <br />would be about $1,200.00. The cost of blacktop resurfacing about $6,000. <br />Vera Horrigan was in favor of minimum effort. Ray Krongard thought that <br />the people living off Seventh St but requiring Seventh as an access road <br />th their street shold be assessed for any improvements. Peter Welsch had <br />a recommendation that we put in a new culvert at Sevent and Nepeta when <br />we decide to improve the street.The general opinion of all those present <br />was that since sewer is a possibility that we should keep the amount of <br />cost of i.mprovemnet at a minimum. Result was -that Trustee Ebne was instruct— <br />ed to have Marty use crankcase oil. on the gravel streets in Lake Elmo. <br />John Basler advised that the water pooled at Lake Elmo Road and 7th St. <br />and drains into his 1st and. 2nd window wells. John asked that the village <br />have a little blacktop put in this area to raise it causing the water to <br />run down Lake Elmo Road. <br />Trustee Boorman moved and Trustee Ebne seconded that any M-9)Jmr decision <br />other than oiling with crankcasO oil be withheld until the Feb.. 19'70 mtg. <br />Carried 3/0. <br />The following resolution was submitted and approved and the clerk instruct- <br />ed to send copies to County (7ommissione* Schaefer and also a copy to the <br />county engineer. RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS, the village council has determined that the highway signs pre- <br />sently located on highways 36 and 12 at the i.ntersectdion of County Road 17 <br />leading to Lake Elmo are inadequate in size and not properly located so as to <br />allow persons driving to lake Elmo to notice the sign and make their desired <br />turn with safety; and <br />�WHEREA.S, it is the desire of the Village Council that new sigxins be appro— <br />priately located. in the interest of the safety and convenience of travelers: <br />NOW, THEREFOREtBE IT RESOLVED, that the Vill-age Council of the Village of <br />Lake Elmo hereby urges and requests the County Board of Washington County <br />to take appropriate action to have new signs bearing the namr Lake Elmo <br />located at the intersection of Sate Highway 36 and County Road 17, and also, <br />at the intersection of US Highway 12 and County Road 17. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Conuty Board is,. hereby,urged and requested <br />to direct that said sign be of suitable size, be located at an appropriate <br />distance before the intersections, and bear any appropriate directional <br />markings so that such signs may be readily visible to persons traveling <br />at the usual rate of speed on -the above mentioned highways and that said <br />
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