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10-07-69 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-07-69 CCM
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Village of Rake '�Tlmv <br />WZ104111gion (50wrig <br />Nnfie glina, Qiumoota 5504Z <br />Meeting of the lake Elmo Village Council October 7, 1969, <br />Meeting called to order at 7:12PM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Brookman,.Abercrombie,,Boormany Ebne and Mehsikomer, <br />Minutes of the September 2 1969 meeting read and approved. <br />Motion by Boorman 2nd by Abercrombie that quote from Lyons Chemical for <br />fluoridation be referred to Banister Engineering and if they agreed the <br />price was reasonable then the clerk is instructed to advise Lyon to make <br />the arrangements to install the equipment in the village water system. <br />Carried 4-0. <br />Complaint read from Washington Uounty Republican Office that the water <br />setting in the gutter was causing seeping in the basement of their bldg. <br />The excess water was standing most of the time was caused by the air <br />conditioning unit from the Elmo Inn constantly draining. Al Haseley to <br />advise Ben Gorka that a complaint has been received and request that he <br />stop the drainage in the street.. Mayor Brockman would also discuss this <br />with Mr. Erickson, County Engineer. <br />Fire chief requested and received permission to dipole of the cover for <br />the Jeep and of the obsolete fire tfluck that was just replaced. Revenue <br />from the sale would be deposited to, the fire department account, $50.00 <br />was turned over for the hood for the Jeep as a buyer had already agreed <br />to take it if it would be madd availabiko <br />legal- counsel Pon Raleigh presented a proposed ordinance on Dutch Eimy <br />Trustee Boorman who has researched the subject was asked to review the <br />ordinance and discuss at the next meeting. <br />Don Raleigh advised that the Village would have to go through with. the <br />Village election even though the term of office was only one month. <br />Offices to 3w be filled are Mayor, Trustee, Treasurer and Constable. <br />lehardt Freidrich has agreed to plow snow for the Village of lake Elmo <br />for $15.00 per hour with no retainer required. Ebne tc confirm. <br />Mayor reported that Roy lohmann quit his position as Village Custodian <br />effective September 30, 1969. <br />Discussion was, had regarding how to mark the fire hydrants in case of <br />excessive snowfall to make sure that they were easily located. It was <br />decided to use 7' fence posts with the top sprayed with Code -it. <br />Streets to be marked for parallell parking.. <br />Trustee Boorman would check into the necessities for installing a new <br />skating rink. <br />Mayor Brockman advised that he would contact Leitte and advise him that <br />the fill which the Village agreed to move in on the exchange property w±1 <br />will be taken care of. <br />Don Raleigh would write a letter to Gib Swanson regarding the thing that <br />remain to be done particularly street improvements, <br />
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