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991a3$ of Uak t �Rmo <br />l 39 aSIZ3ugtuu (20untg <br />take'&lawn, ffib mach 55042 <br />Minutes of a Special Council Meeting November 19, 1969, <br />Meeting called to order at 733OPM by Mayor Brookman. <br />PresentaAbercrombie,B'oorman,Brookman,Ebne,Baleigh and Mehsikomer. <br />Sealed bides were opened covering the extension of watermain on 7th St, <br />so that it crossed Rose Ave. <br />Moelter Construo*ion Company 83,480.00 <br />Lee Richert Plumbing and Heating 4,400.00 <br />Motion by Trustee Boorman 2nd by Trustee Pbne that bid be awarded 'to <br />the low bidder Moellter Construction. Motion carried 4/0. <br />Digging in of the main was approved as soon as we had rezeived approval <br />that Mr. Jim Schaefer had committed himself to pick up the expense of <br />the addition less the cost of the hydrant,gate val'ves,plugs and caps. <br />Cost of the main to be assessed against the property of Mr. Schaefer <br />for a term of 12 years at an interest rate of M <br />Mrs. Wm. Richert requested that the road improvement awsessment of <br />$$90.00 be assessed to her property over a period of 5 years at 8%int. <br />Meeting adjourned, at 9x00PM,. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />