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UillagQ of fake '�Rmv <br />Wns4inaton claunte <br />Xithe ginta, &Iffiunesatu 55042 <br />Meeting of the Lake Elmo Village Council December 15, 1969. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:05PM by Mayor Broolman. <br />present:Brookmaan,Boorman,Ebne and Mehsikomer. <br />Absent: Abercrombie <br />The following motion was made by Trustee Boorman and 2nd by Ebne. <br />Salaries: The Mayor of the Village of Lake Elmo shall be paid <br />an annual salary of $900.00 and each Councilman of the Village of <br />Lake Elmo shall be paid an annual salary of $600.00. <br />Payment: The salaries provided by Section one hereof shall be <br />paid annually or more frequently as directed by the Village Council. <br />This Ordinance Number 106 shall take effect and be in force <br />from and after the first business day of January next following its <br />passage and publication according to law. <br />Weeting adjourned at 7:45PM. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />