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Wage of Uake '�Ztmv <br />IV <br />215121ttatIItt (lIIuntg <br />�finhe g1ma, iune5n#2t 551142 <br />Minutes of the Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting February 17, 1970, <br />Meeting called to order at 7:30PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present:Bro©kman,�Va.tson,l—mx-xrx'Ebax,Shervheim,Friedrich,Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Minutes of the January 6, 1970 final meeting of the old Lake Elmo Village <br />Council read and approved. c�oatlet_0,r l�r 1� -LC !lc rrra C, <br />Minutes of the February 10, 1970 meeting of the council read & approved. <br />Robert Watson Moved and Lloyd Shervheim seconded the motion that the <br />following appointments be made in t1e name of the Villageof Lake Elmo. <br />Paper — Stillwater Daily Gazette. <br />Health Inspector — Dr. Van Meier <br />Weed Inspector — Leo Raleigh <br />Depository — State Bank of Lake Elmo. <br />Bonding Representative---Juran & Moody <br />Alternate Mayor — Robert Watson <br />Civil Defense — James Bjorkman Carried 3/0 <br />Motion by Lloyd Shervheim second by Robert Watson that Lawson, Ranum <br />& Kelly be appointed as the legal representative for the Village. Motion <br />carried 3-0. <br />Mayor recommended that the council appoint both a clerk and a treasurer <br />for 1970 and then reconsider the possibility of combining the two of— <br />fices next year. <br />Lloyd Shervheim maved and Lehart Friedrich 2nded that Don Mehsikomer be <br />appointed clerk and William Park be appointed treasurer for the new <br />Village of Lake Elmo. Carried 3/0. <br />Moved by Robert Watson 2nd by Lloyd Shervheim that William Park be <br />appointed assessor for the Village of Lake Elmo. Carried 3/0. <br />Decision on the building inspector and the insurance agent be held up <br />pending further study and consideration. <br />Appointmrnt of enginaer to represent the Village will beheld up. A <br />committee consisting of the council members and 2 citizens ( Bruce Fals) <br />(another to be named) will meet with the interested firms on Thursday <br />February 26, 1970 and make a recommendation at the next council meeting. <br />Invitations extended to the follwwing: <br />E C Bather & Associates 8:OOPM <br />Banistet Engineering 8:30PM <br />Toltz, King, Duval, anderson & Associates 9:00P15 <br />Bonestro & Associates 10:OOPM <br />Meeting recessed in favor of hearing scheduled for 8:OOPM. <br />Clerk read the notice of public hearing regarding the Plat of Lonesome <br />Pine First Addition (see plat on file in clerks office) requested by <br />John A and Ruthx E Carlson. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer attested to the publishing of the notice in the <br />Stillwater weekly Gazette on January 299 1970 and former town clerk <br />William Park attested to the public posting of said notice on same date. <br />The Carlson presented a letter of approval of plat from the County <br />Surveyor DonnPepper. Mayor Brookman three times asked for any objections <br />to approval of the plat. None being heard the hearing was closed. <br />