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Vifu#e of �Uake '�tma <br />Vn334IngtVn CSUnnte <br />`'Xa he 'ginta, Ainnesata 55442 <br />Meeting of the bake :Elmo Village Council March 12, 1970. Minutes <br />Meeting called to order at at30PM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Brookman,Watson,Abercrombie,Shervheim,I'riedrich,Parks & Mehsikomero <br />Gerald Wallace and Roy Dornfeld ( NSP and Village Gas InspectorReap.) <br />were on hand to discuss the Village Ordinance #105. Apparantly there are <br />some points that should be considered for possible change. Donald <br />leigh Legal Councel for the Village was instructed to draw up a <br />aRa ✓� n covering the proposed changes for submission at the next <br />council meeting. <br />Mayor reported that a decision on the building and glumbing inspector <br />was still: up in the air and suggested that the clerk have the Gazette <br />and the St. Paul Dispatch run a news release that the Village is <br />accepting applications for these positions as well as that of office <br />clerk fxxo <br />Clerk instructed to prepare a notice to xxx include with the water <br />bills to: advise the patrons that the village was now adding flueo silicic <br />acid to the water and that if they were giring therr children fluoride <br />pills to check with theft Dr., before continuing the practice.. <br />Discussion was had regarding the wage scale for Elmer Richert and Robert <br />Wier. It was decided that the council should further review the pay <br />scale for surrounding comm&nities before making a decision. The current <br />wage scale would remain in effect until review completed. <br />Assesser -treasurer salary was temorarilly established at 9$75.00 per <br />month payable monthly for the next six. months. During this period <br />Mr. Park will ±:kxffi keep a record of time spent which will be used in <br />the review. Mileage would be an extra charge payable by the Village. <br />Clerk°s salary was set for the next six months at 9$75.00 base plus <br />825.00 expenses. After an office clerk has been hired and in operation <br />for several months the matter will be reviewed to determine the amount <br />of work necessary and the final salary. <br />Meeting adjourned at 11052M. <br />Respectfully submitted: <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />