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Wage of Mahe Pmo <br />Tuns[zingtan Q6,aanfui <br />'Xuhe glnto, ffibineocta 55LI42 <br />Minutes of -the Lake Elmo Village Council April 21, 1970. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:35PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present.Brookman.,Watson¢.AbercrombieoShervheim,Friedrich.Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Minutes of the April 79 1970 meeting read andapproved. <br />Gordon Grunde•on, Hidden Bay Road, requested clarification on where he <br />could locate his driveway in relation to his property line. Matter was <br />referred. to the building inspector. <br />Clerk made a report an the interviews for the position of Office Clerk. <br />Based on the Clerk's Recommendation Councilman Abercrombie moved. and <br />Councilman Watson 2nd that the Village Clerk be authorized to: hire Edna <br />Beers; to fill the position. Base pay for -the first six month trial per— <br />iod is $1..75 per hour.At the end of the period salary would be increased <br />to $2.00 per hour and Mrs. Beers would be entitled. to the insurance ben— <br />efits extended to other Village EmlEl,oyees. Carried unanimously. <br />Motion by Councilman Watson 2nd by Councilman Shervheim that Clerk be <br />authorized to purchase the equipment necessary to set up the new office.. <br />This includes 2 desks, accompaning chairs,, cash box, typewriter eta, <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Alois Berschens and son John advised that they were in favor of <br />dedicating the triangular piece of property between the old. and the new <br />Lake Jane Road to the Village. Donald Raleigh was advised to draw up the <br />necessary papers and have them signed and filed with theRegister of Deeds. <br />Councilman Watson moved and Councilman Abercrombie 2n0d. the motion that <br />the Village accept the property. Carried unanimously.. <br />Norm Wendt requested that the Council consider d& somethingabout im. <br />proving 7th St:. and Rose Ave, Clerk instructed to write the Village Enga <br />ineer requesting that he make a study on this as to what should be done <br />and a cost estimate. <br />Clerk instructed to write the Village Engineer and have him prepare an <br />up to date comprehensive sewer plan for the Village bawd on the studies <br />previously conducted in Bast. Oakdale by his firm and previouly prepared <br />for the Village by Banister Engineering. Request to have by June 2 mtg. <br />Councilman Watson reported that he and Mayor Brookman had met with Sam <br />Morgan, Metro Park 'Preserve and Orville Peterson Counsel for the Metro <br />Park Preserve. They were advised that there is a meeting set up for May <br />23, 1970 at which time a more positive decision would be reached as to <br />the Lake Elmo Open Space area. If approved we would be able to advise <br />the citizens of our position by July 1, 1970. If accepted they would <br />probably be able to make land offer proposals by the end of the year. <br />Members of the Park Preserve tentatively plan to visit the. Lake Elmo <br />proposed park area on Saturday May 91 1970 and as many, of the Council <br />as possible will accompany them on the tour. <br />