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Uxkkage of �Uak t '�tmo <br />l Waollingtun (6unntg <br />�Iiuks g1ma, Mfitnesnta 55042 <br />Minutes of the Take :Elmo Village Council April 7> 1970. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:302M by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Br.00kman,Watson,Abercrombie�FreidrichtPark and Mehsikomer.. <br />A•bsent:Shervheim. <br />Members of the council left the chambers for an inspection tour of the <br />new village office at 1350 6th St. which is nearing completion. <br />Members returned to chambers at 7:.55PM. <br />Minutes of the March 179 1970 meeting read and approved. <br />Mr. G. Hasel.ey requested that the council consider paying an invoice <br />for oil that was used. last ,year to repair 4th St. After some discus— <br />sion clerk was instrucjed to advise Mr. Haseley that. Village will not <br />be held responsible for bills incurred without the council approval. <br />Mr.. Joseph. representing Bonestroo & Assoc. disoussed the six <br />different road improvement proposals with the council and the 17 cit— <br />izens attending the meeting'. None of those attending raised any basic <br />objections to the plans as presented. Minor questions were either re- <br />solved or passed off as things that would be taken care of at the next <br />hearing that would probably be set up later tonight. <br />Donald. RaleighpLegal Councsel was asked to send a letter to Mr. Ellman <br />regarding the improvement of Geranium which is one of the requirements <br />of the approval of the plat. <br />Danald Raleigh was also instructed to write a similar letter to be <br />sent to Atlas Properties (Gib Swanson ) regarding the required road <br />improvement on Marigold Ave. <br />Councilman Abercrombie moved and Councilman Freedrich seconded the <br />motion that we proceed with the hearing on the road improvements. <br />Tuesday May 12, 1970 at 7:PM at the Village Council Chambers were es� <br />abl.ished as the date' time and place of the hearing.. Motion carried <br />3/0 with Councilman Shervheim being absent. <br />Don Raleigh was to get together with the clerk and establish the time <br />that each of the projects would be heard. Projects to be staggered <br />every half hour with the biggest project being heard last. <br />On project 2 Eagle Point Road)g Project 5 Take Jane Drive and Project <br />6 (Cohn Addition ) Don Raleigh was instructed to include the residents <br />who may have some supplementary requirements not covered by the pro— <br />posal as written so that they could be included at the same time as the <br />village bids are issued to possibly give them a saving in cost were <br />they to have the work separatdly, <br />Engineer was advised. to include in the work estimate on roads the area <br />( immediately on the East and South of the entrance to the new Vil. Nall. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Friedrich that the <br />Engineers be authorized to proceed with more detailed pland on the <br />road improvements discussed earlier. Carried 3/0. Shervheim absent. <br />A.ptil 6 letter regarding Panasow Development discussed. <br />Councilman Watson moved with End by Councilman Friedrich that Village <br />determine the ext6nt of the damage and what is required to correct <br />that damage to Luke Jane Road.�Pictures documenting the problem should <br />be made available and legal codcbl to prepare the necessary papers to <br />file the complaint . Carried 3/0 Shervheim absent. <br />