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Minutes Of Special 2oxxty Council :Meeting May 12, 1970 Contpd. Page 2 <br />5 Lake Jane Drive. <br />1 Lawrence K"leiss Lake Jane Drive Objected to improvement. <br />60ake Jane Read. <br />Win: Parks Lake Jane Road No benefit to him. <br />Norm Spacy n it <br />Richard Johnson if Favored improvement but <br />thought 90 % assessment <br />was too> high. <br />The following all commented in favor of improvement: <br />Kieth Russell., Tom Conway,Charles Winke and Don Conlin. <br />Mayor Brookman introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. <br />RESOLUTION DEFERRING FURTHER ACTION ON IMPROVEMENTS <br />WHEREAS,after due Notice of Public Hearing on the construction of street <br />improvements far the Village of Lake Elmo, Minnesota,hearing an said im- <br />provements was duly held and the Council has heard all persons desiring <br />to be heard on the matter and has fully considered the same; <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RES0LVED by the Village Council of the Village of <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota, that further action in the improvements be deferred. <br />The Motion far the adoption of the f0rgoing resolution was duly seconded <br />by Councilman Abercrombie and upon a vote being taken thereon, the follow«. <br />ing voted in favor thereof: <br />Bro©kman,Watson,,.Abererembie,.Shervheim and Friedrich* <br />Against: None, <br />Motion carried unanim orusly 5-0. <br />Meeting adjourned at 10:30PM <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />