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Minutes Of the Lake J3IMO Villoge Council May 119 1970. <br />Meeting called to order at 6t30 PM by Mayor Jtrookmsn. All present. <br />Council made aa, tour of the Village to determine the extent to which <br />the roads had to be taken core of. <br />Meeting convened in the: Council Oh•-mberea sat 705 ?M. <br />Minutes of the May 5, 1970 meeting read and approved, <br />Councilmen Abercrombie introduced the following resolution and moved <br />its ;ad aptiont RKSOLrt'TION OItD-,R.TTr(; 1,1fl'J 0Vr1'TTgTS ATM. A?'T1!0RIZ1A.TG <br />PRC'?.?!0i1h011 OP FTNAI PLAD S AID 00-OIPICfATION39 <br />WHUREA , after due notice of public haying on the o4nstruetion of <br />( various street improvements for the Village of J,r ke Elmo, Minnesota, <br />a. hearing on said improvements mesas duly held, :and than Counoil hoord <br />all persons desiring to be heard on the mytter and fully considered <br />the some; N019 TfiNfE.POR,R, IE' IT n%i0J'N7,D by the Village Cou.nci.l of the <br />Village of take Wo p Minneuets, as follows e <br />1. That it is adviasouble, expedient aand necessary that the Vi.11pge <br />of Lake Elmo, Minnesota csrnostruct the: fallowing street improvements <br />as described in the notice of hearing thereent A. Eagle Point Rood <br />from TH 212 northernly 0501 B. laUko Shores Drive; C. Qke Jane Drive <br />northeast of Luke Jane Rood; D. l,a Ice Kno Road from Lake 0lann Drives <br />evoterly along pre rent alignment for 8,800 fe: t of point just beyond <br />Lnkm Jane Drive. <br />2. Said improvements ordered made are hereby designated Street <br />imi)rovements for 1970: <br />3. Bonerstree & Aasooci,aa te:a, Pro hereby aauthorived to prepares <br />final Plano aand a: araeacificastione can said Strata Improvements of 1970. <br />4. The Village Council hereby ratifies and affirms ell prism <br />r actions taken by the Village Cofneail in reference to said improvements, <br />including but not limited to conducting az public hearing thereon. <br />The motion was seconded bN Counoil€;seen ShoF^vheim. The following <br />Councilmen voted in favor of rosolutiont Brookmaan, 4' astson, ;dbearcrembie, <br />Sharvhei.m, and 'Friedrich. Voting aagtainst, name. <br />Elmer Richert aad.vias8d that the problem of junk at 004y Cove head not. <br />been taken care of, but would be this week. <br />Councilman Shorvheim moved and Council Friedrich seconded than <br />motion that the proposal, for the improvement of Eleventh Street be <br />tabled. 5/0. Councilman Priedrich mad Maintenance Man Richert advised <br />that the improvement on con blascktopped rode in the Village would <br />take 2400 yards of gravel and recommended that this be contracted for. <br />Ctarl flesr::u n, Dave Cady aand Mr. ttusea of Pomtom were can hand to request <br />renewal of Specie>1 Use Permit .for 01mmaaron Park. 01rhrifioution of as <br />eight earner and an Improvement easement for Oaauhington County Read <br />70 to required before permit will he issued.. The Letter from the <br />Watershed diotrict woo reaxad and diracars sed with L'eaart= and they Pgrood <br />to follow up €and We neesese ry cotton to got; it resolved. Pemtom <br />agreed to comes 'book to toe next council meeting at 9100 PH to resolve <br />( the above mentioned items. Clerk instracted to reetucst thot Asa t. <br />Engineer 0. Naanson be at the meeting at the some time as Pamtom. <br />