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06-30-70 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-30-70 CCM
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Minutes of the Lake Elmo Board of Reviews - Tuesday June 30, 1970 <br />Present: Abercrombie, Friedrich, Park and Mehsikomer <br />Absent: Brockman, Watson and Shervheim. <br />Meeting called to order at 10:45AM by Councilman Abercrombie. <br />It was explained to the visitors that we did not have a quorum so that we would have <br />to take notes of the meeting and a decision would. be made at a later meeting of the <br />Village Council. <br />Company Employees represented by Bill Langlois and Dick Brost. A copy of <br />a tax breakdown was given to each member and Mr. Langlois explained that he agreed <br />with the evaluation of the buildings but felt that the land values plus the land <br />improvement values were excessive. 3M would agree that since the Village chose <br />to call in the state to assist in the evaluation that we should accept their value <br />of $1000 per acre. Assessor Park explained that the land values were arrived at <br />after considering other lands which bad a similar character and that the base of <br />$600.00 was not arbitrary. <br />Mrs. Randolph Norton appeared before the hearing in her own behalf. <br />2325 Deer Pond Trail, Mrs. Norton explained that the cost of her home was actually <br />$23,000, in 1968. The house was a 3 room dwelling with only 1040 sq.ft. of living <br />space. The tact of 4700 seemed to her to be excessive. Assessor Park explained <br />the assessing procedure and offeked to go to the Norton dwelling and make a new <br />appraisal. Mrs. Norton accepted the offer realizing that this action could affect <br />the 1971 tent. Norton attempted to introduce comparisons between her home and some <br />of those in her immediate area and was informed tba t this was not legal. In order <br />for such evidence to be presented tRo person named had to be informed and had a <br />right to be heard. Mrs. Norton advised that she was not satisfied and would take <br />the matter further. <br />Mm. Davis of Lot 8 Arvold Acres gsked the assessor the amount of the <br />evaluation on this lot. Figure quoted was $6,c0o. Mr. Davis introduced a letter <br />from Whitman -Smith showing proof of sale of the lot for $5,000. Mr. Davis <br />requested that he be informed of Council action so that he can, if necessary <br />pursue this further. <br />Mr. Jack Kinney represented Wicker Realty for the home and property at 3995 <br />Lake Demontreville Road. Lot 18 Block 7 Bergman Addition. Mr. Kinney felt that the <br />tax of $1155, on this home was excessive. He attemped to bring in samples from <br />other tax districts as comparisons. The Council pointed out that if comparisons <br />were to be made that the individuals mentioned must be informed and have an <br />opportunity to be heard. These references would be studied by the County Assessors <br />Office. Mr. Kinney was also informed that the assessor did not establish tax but <br />only set the evaluation. Since the assessor had a value of 931,000 and he had the <br />value or a selling price of $$5,000 we had no problem. <br />All visitors were advised that they would be advised the decision. <br />Meeting adjourned at 3:30PM. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />
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